
"I took a loan that changed my life."

As we begin this year, we wanted to start with a simple but heartfelt message: thank you. Through your partnership, God is restoring dignity and transforming lives in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Egypt.

Hope and beauty in unexpected places

In the center of Cairo is a region called Garbage Village, home to nearly 100,000 people. Here, the whole economy and rhythm of life is centered around collecting, sorting, and recycling the city's trash. 

Garbage is everywhere – but look closer, you’ll see a village full of people with remarkable resilience, creativity, and hope.

For 10 years, TOLI has helped restore dignity in this community. Recently, the TOLI leadership team in Egypt hosted a skills training to help women in Garbage Village develop opportunities beyond trash collection. One of those trainings? A gel manicure workshop.

That’s where Martina and Mariam, a mother-daughter duo, discovered a new passion. With a TOLI microloan, they purchased nail polish and a gel light kit and launched their own beauty salon. Now, these women carefully and artfully paint their neighbor's nails.

Not only does their salon provide a steady income, it’s a source of joy, confidence, and dignity. They’re doing work they love!

Pictured: Mariam (middle), Martina (right), and Mary (left, the youngest daughter)

In a place known for trash, Martina and Mariam are creating beauty and sharing hope. They’re inspiring others – like Fifi, a woman in the village who used a TOLI microloan to start a bakery. 

“I heard about TOLI because of friend in the village said, ‘I took a loan that changed my life.’”
– Fifi, TOLI baker, Garbage Village, EGYPT

Dreams are taking root, businesses are growing, lives are changing, God's people are creating beauty, and dignity is spreading in Garbage Village. Sometimes, God uses the darkest places and the most resilient people to shine His light most brightly. 

Your generosity through the years is generating lasting hope. Our Partners plan to grant 4,000 new loans in 2025 to help individuals start or expand small businesses. 2,500 of those loans will be funded by repayments from past clients, keeping resources circulating within communities — just like in Garbage Village!

Mark your calendars… for the 2025 “TOLI Family” Event
in Colorado Springs | Friday, May 2nd

TOLI is headed to Kenya in June, and we’d love for you to come along! Travel to see the ministry firsthand and experience the life-changing impact of microloans. For details and applications, email Audrey.

Crowd full of thanks

A letter of thankfulness

Great is thy faithfulness, Oh God, my Father!

There is so much to be thankful for – God is great! God is faithful! God is our father, and we are His children!

As I reflect on my first year at TOLI, my heart is filled with gratitude. I’m deeply grateful for our passionate, faithful, and generous donors who support this ministry! I’m grateful for our incredible Partners: Heliopolis Evangelical Church in Egypt, Life Center Ethiopia, and Kenya Connection Kids.  I give thanks for the TOLI Field Staff, who do amazing things with God to impact so many lives. And I praise God for TOLI clients who are working hard to grow their small businesses and change their communities.

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Egypt and see the work being done to bring about truly sustainable change in the lives of individuals, families, and communities through the TOLI microloan program.  

During the visit, our Partner hosted an inspiring worship event. Over 1,800 TOLI clients and their family members attended this event. Better Life, one of the largest Christian bands in the Middle East, led clients in worship. TOLI’s Chaplain clearly presented the Gospel and invited clients to respond. The Holy Spirit was present in extraordinary ways. Over 370 people surrendered their lives to the Lord.

Please take a couple of minutes to watch the accompanying video. I believe it will move your heart to thankfulness.

With heartfelt thanks, and with a prayer that this blesses you as a transition from celebrating Thanksgiving to celebrating the message of Christmas,


 Don Paterson, TOLI Executive Director

P.S. Keep your eye on your inbox in the coming weeks for TOLI’s year-end campaign! Our world needs hope and restoration more than ever, and I encourage you to pray and consider a year-end gift. 

Update from the field

What's been happening around the world in the TOLI family? LOTS.

EGYPT // A new chapter of hope

> Over 2,200 active clients and counting in Egypt’s growing program. Exciting developments are happening in Egypt! This past year, the TOLI program welcomed a new leadership team that has expanded and deepened the program's impact. These leaders are driving growth at every level, fundraising locally, praying over the ministry, and overseeing rapid growth. Today, the program has 16 sites, 35 Field Staff, and a thriving community of over 2,000 active clients (There have been over 5,500 clients in total!).

But the growth isn’t just in numbers. With the addition of TOLI’s new Chaplain, Khaled Ghobrial, the leadership team is pouring into the spiritual development of both TOLI Social Workers and clients. Social Workers are discovering God’s purpose for their lives, finding forgiveness, and experiencing inner healing with the Lord, while clients are learning about God’s love for them and their ability to flourish, even in the midst of hardships and poverty.

> Spiritual growth at the heart of the mission. Just last week, during a spiritual gathering, the Egypt team shared the Gospel with over 1,800 TOLI clients and their families — a powerful moment of hope and reconciliation.

> How you can pray. Please pray for our Field Staff (31 and counting), the leadership team Mona el Serafy (Egypt Area Director), Nader Nabil (Lower Egypt Manager), Ehab Sobhy (Upper Egypt Manager), Hany William (Financial Manager), and our Strategic Partner, Heliopolis Evangelical Church. Pray also for clients' courage and resilience as they restart business projects after setbacks.

ETHIOPIA // Peace in a season of uncertainty

> 480 clients finding hope amid economic crisis. Although inflation is at an all time high in Ethiopia, TOLI's program and clients continue to thrive. Against all odds, clients are growing their businesses and finding new opportunities. Our Partner, Life Center Ethiopia, is playing an integral role in transforming the lives of widows through the region.

There are now four active sites — three located in the busy city of Addis Ababa and one in Meki, an agricultural town two hours to the south. Meki, in particular, is incredible with a 100% loan repayment rate since opening a year and a half ago. Across all sites, people are coming to know the Lord, and lives are being changed through the Gospel and microloans.

> How you can pray. Please join us in praying for peace during this challenging season. Pray against the impacts of inflation and for our clients as they adapt to the challenges. Lift up the six TOLI Social Workers, Hailu Getachew (Program Associate), and our Partner Ministry, Life Center Ethiopia, as they navigate these uncertain times and serve faithfully.

KENYA // A growing family

> Nearly 1,900 clients and counting. The TOLI program in Kenya is experiencing remarkable growth, nearly doubling its number of clients since last September. With 1,878 clients currently in the program, the Kenyan team is dreaming big — setting their sights on reaching the entire country with TOLI’s mission. Working through savings groups, this team creates communities of TOLI clients who learn together, save together, and increase their incomes side-by-side. 

> How you can pray. Please keep the Kenyan team in your prayers. Pray for the twelve TOLI Social Workers, Bonface Muriuki (Regional Coordinator), Peter Kingecha (Financial Administrator), and our Partner Ministry, Kenya Connection Kids, as they serve TOLI clients, care for vulnerable children, and equip young men and women through a technical school.

Thank you for your impact growing these numbers! 

Life Center Ethiopia Fundraising Gala // October 17th

TOLI's Partner Ministry is hosting a Gala in the Denver area. Buy your ticket here to hear the incredible story of Life Center and their kingdom impact in Ethiopia. 

Your works are wonderful

Created for purpose

“Since I started my business," says Nemmat a TOLI entrepreneur in Egypt, "I feel like I am a precious and valuable person.”

Before an entrepreneur receives a microloan and starts a small business, they attend TOLI’s Business Basics Course. There, Field Staff share Psalm 139. 

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." – Psalm 139:13-14

TOLI Field Staff look at each soon-to-be entrepreneur in the eye and tell them they’re loved. They are valuable. God created each person for a purpose. No matter their circumstances, no matter their material poverty, they’re fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Before joining the TOLI program and starting her own bakery, Nemmat felt useless. But now, she sees herself as a precious and valuable person. 

WATCH Nemmat share her story in a video made by TOLI Social Workers — Emad, Sally, and Heba!


Follow along on social media for prayer requests and trip updates. 

A turning point

TOLI isn't just a program—it's a turning point. 

For 17 years, Nadia struggled to raise her large family as a widow and sole breadwinner.

Then last year, she heard that a nearby church offers a program called TOLI to help women like her—and not just with handouts of food or clothes. Nadia had a lifetime of experience and the ability to work hard, but she needed resources and support. She didn’t need handouts—she just needed a hand up.

That’s when Nadia’s turning point came. She took TOLI’s Business Basics Course, then applied for a microloan to buy a milk separator machine to grow a business serving local dairy farmers. The new business provided new steady income for her and her big household. But the turn her life took through TOLI was so much more than financial:

  • She gained new skills and knowledge.

  • She become a ‘peacemaker’ in her village, acting as mediator when farmers confide in her about conflicts with neighbors.

  • She now uses her business to reflect God’s love.

Nadia lives with her four adult children, their spouses, and 10 grandchildren.

Like Nadia, TOLI is at a turning point too.

This year, God blessed TOLI with expanded teams and technology allowing us to not just grow but truly scale. Partner Ministries are bringing restoration to more and more poor communities by replicating TOLI’s powerful ministry of business training, microloans, and spiritual discipleship.

This year we launched TOLI in seven new sites, granting 45% more microloans than in 2022. And right now, our Partners are equipped and ready to replicate our program in at least NINE MORE locations across four countries in the next 12 months. They have the tools, teams, track record, and strategy in place. The last ingredient is the capital.

Will you lean in to this turning point with us? Will you pray and consider adding to your usual end-of-year gift to TOLI, so God can multiply its impact? We’re praying for an additional $120,000 by December 31, 2023, to fund this expansion and help our Partners get started replicating TOLI in new villages, bringing fresh hope and transformation where it's so desperately needed. 

Because of TOLI, Nadia's life turned from one of loss and tragedy to a life of growth, independence, and Gospel influence. Because of your support, TOLI can multiply stories like Nadia's throughout whole villages ... or even nations. And what a turning point that could be. 

With gratitude and joy,


Abigail McConnell
Executive Director, TOLI

P.S. As you consider stewarding your year-end gifts, remember: a gift to TOLI becomes a microloan that’s invested, repaid, and reinvested again and again in the same community. It’s truly hope that multiplies.


Nadia with Abigail at a recent TOLI spiritual retreat near Nadia's village in Upper Egypt. 

Imagine multiplying Nadia’s story throughout a whole village
... or nation.

Giving thanks — and dreaming BIG


  • Granted 2,000+ new microloans — a 45% increase over 2022

  • Equipped 3,000+ with small business training

  • Added 7 new Sites: Egypt (4), Kenya (2), Ethiopia (1)

  • Grew global staff to 53, including six regional-level positions in Egypt and Ethiopia

  • Added a Strategic Partner to expand in Ethiopia

  • Launched TOLI Atlas, a custom app to help track client transformation


  • Equip 3,600+ materially poor entrepreneurs with microloans 

  • Empower 4,000+ people with business training

  • Launch up to 9 new Sites 

  • Operate in more than 30 communities worldwide

  • Expand field staff training and capacity-building globally

  • Strengthen spiritual impact through expanded discipleship programming

From the TOLI family to yours ...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We are so grateful for you!

The heart of transformation

Christ at the heart

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." // Colossians 3:17

Roseh joined the TOLI program hoping to provide for her family. She didn't know God would strengthen her faith. 

After receiving a TOLI microloan to start a grocery store, Roseh received a gift she cherishes more – headphones and a headset with a recording of the Bible in Arabic. Her first Bible! Now each day as she takes inventory in her store, Roseh listens to the word of God.

Last month, Roseh worshipped God at a spiritual gathering in Egypt with 255 other TOLI entrepreneurs. In the crowded room, God became more real. She felt His love as she heard testimonies of entrepreneurs like her and prayed with her peers. 

Roseh’s story illustrates the heart of TOLI's program: Providing practical tools to break the cycle of material poverty, all while pointing to the one true source of abundance, a relationship with Jesus. That's why Christian discipleship is integrated into everything we do. 

WATCH this 90-second video below to see how: 

“At graduation, when I give the bibles and see the excitement and hope on the clients’ faces, that's my very, very favorite part of this program.” 

Hailu, TOLI Program Director, Ethiopia

Thursday, Nov 9, 2023 // 5:30-7pm

Drop in at the TOLI Colorado Springs office to help TOLI count the ways the Lord has blessed us this year. There will be appetizers, fellowship, and sharing of stories. We'll send you off with a token of our gratitude to remind you how grateful we are that you are part of our story, too. Hope to see you there!

The TOLI Office
5785 North Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

TOLI’s Global Day of Prayer and Fasting

Thank you for your prayers on TOLI’s Global Day of Prayer and Fasting. See our global pray-ers clockwise from left to right in Kenya, Egypt, Ethiopia, and on the global Zoom call.

Finding a spark

What’s making these Clients glow?

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
JOHN 1:5

Last week, in El Minya, Egypt, more than 150 TOLI entreprenuers gathered for a women’s conference hosted by our partners. After a full day of team building, worshiping together, and hearing the Gospel, each woman was given a small candle. Those who accepted the Lord or wanted to go deeper in their faith were encouraged to light their candles.

The whole room glowed.

All around the world, TOLI clients just like them — shop owners, fishermen, tailors, baristas, recyclers, farmers, and artisans who've been impacted by TOLI's ministry — are rays of light for their families and communities. Because of their small businesses and a sustainable income, these entrepreneurs pay school fees for their children, build homes, encourage their neighbors, and put daily food on the table. These entrepreneurs have grown in confidence, service, and faith. Many have come to know the Lord, the light of the world. 

Each woman at that conference – and every TOLI client – has a story to tell of perseverance, growth, and new hope. Stories of learning to provide for their families, and stories of learning about the provision of the Lord. Stories of finding their light.

But don’t take our word for it, hear it from TOLI entrepreneurs themselves!

"Whatever happens in my life, I just keep praying. I know that if I work hard, I can change my life. People say amazing things about me because I’m always happy. I say it’s all because of God."   

“I learned to never lose hope and to be focused. I don't struggle paying school fees for my kids, and I have been able to construct a house for my family and my business. I have made great steps in life.” ROSE, SEAMSTRESS // KENYA

 “Now because of the loan and my business, my kids always have something to eat. But the biggest difference is hard to explain. I was always sad, but now I have the capacity to solve my own problems.” KAREN, SHOP OWNER // CENTRAL AMERICA

“I learned how to take what is in my mind, make it real, and achieve it. I wake up and ask God how he will bless me today, and he does. I say, ‘Give me this morning your blessings so I can experience your generosity.’” AIDA, SOAP SALES // EGYPT

 "Mine is more of personal growth. I am able to take care of my family without asking for loans from friends. I couldn't go a week without borrowing money for upkeep, but now I’m the one who helps out. I have learned how to save." NELLY, TEA SALES // KENYA

And these stories represent just one spark that ignites a whole community. Because when a TOLI entrepreneur repays their loan, the capital is invested in another entrepreneur in the same neighborhood. That neighbor can then start their own business, provide for their family, experience Jesus' love, and find their light, too.

“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” 

Join us for this inspiring event and hear how you can help men and women in poor communities step out of poverty and into purpose. 

11:30am-1:30pm (lunch) OR6-8pm (dinner)

The Pinery at the Hill
775 W Bijou Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80905

HOST A TABLE. Invite your friends to be inspired by TOLI’s life-changing ministry.
> Lunch Seating: $400 per table (8 people)
> Dinner Seating: $500 per table (8 people).

BUY TICKETS. $50 per person

Seats are filling fast, so save yours today...

Why partnership is priceless

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’" // MARK 12:30-31

Wherever there's a TOLI program, there’s a local church or ministry already at work in the community. And that's why TOLI works, because these local Christ-centered ministries, who love God and who love people, use our program as a tool to transform their communities. 

Ministries partner with TOLI to reach people they wouldn't reach otherwise. While we provide a proven model and initial funds, it's our partners who hold the vision for their community. They assemble the local committee to champion the program, hire field staff to implement it, and encourage clients because they want to see people's hearts and minds transformed. They want to reach the poor and share with them the gospel. 

But don't take our word for it! Hear it from our partners as they share their heart for TOLI and for the nations:

“There are millions of widows who are waiting for help in Ethiopia, many of whom don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. I believe that serving with love and humility will transform lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe the loan program helps us to spread the Gospel and bring the kingdom of heaven to the earth. One at a time, individuals will be changed, then the community, through which we will change nations.”
– Mulu Woldetinsae //
Life Center Ethiopia // ETHIOPIA

“TOLI has opened my eyes to new areas in Egypt that are shouting “come over and help!” My church is positively impacted by TOLI because it opened for us a big door to help the needy community in Egypt, and also it helped us in trying to change the mentality of the Egyptian churches to give donations to the poor.”
— Bassem Raouf // Heliopolis Evangelical Church // EGYPT

“My favorite thing is to see a poor person guided through an entrepreneurship program, then grasp the concepts of dreaming big, good customer service, good marketing skills, etc., and assimilate them into their lives. I’ve seen clients internalize this, start businesses, and progress. That makes my day. Seeing them slowly transform from poverty, making daily steps towards self-sustainability, humbles and empowers me to do more.”
– Humphrey Kanga //
Kenya Connection Kids // KENYA

“My heart is with children. TOLI has brought more children to Sunday School and this is a huge blessing because they’re growing spiritually. For one client, Grace,
the first client to pay off her loan in Uganda, TOLI improved her life,
her children's, and her children's children."

– Angie Atta // Volunteer // Goshen Gospel Ministries // UGANDA

“TOLI is very effective because we have a lot of poverty here. Giving spiritual guidance without any practical help doesn't work to solve poverty. The Church used to just give money but that didn’t work. This system works.”
– Pastor Emad // Towah Evangelical Church // EGYPT

And thank you for your partnership as well! Your prayers and financial support help equip these local partners reach more people and transform more lives. Thank you!

We’re back… Thank you for praying

This month, a TOLI team travelled to our site in Central America to visit with partners. We visited clients, encouraged staff, and held a Regional Conference – which was an amazing time of fellowship and leadership training with Field Staff and committee members. Thanks to our Prayer Team and supporters for covering us in prayer during this journey.

New addition to the TOLI US Team

We’re so excited to welcome Amy Cullins as TOLI’s new Associate for Stewardship and Engagement! Amy has a welcoming heart for people, a passion for Jesus, and a gentle and humble spirit. Her rich experience in leading women’s ministry, event planning, volunteer engagement, teaching, and hospitality will be a huge asset to the TOLI team. Amy's focus will be on serving and praying for our donors, helping them meaningfully engage with the ministry and planning TOLI events. Amy, we’re thrilled to have you on the team!

Hope multiplied.

NEAMA OWNS A BEAUTY SALON IN MOKATTAM VILLAGE — a place known more for its trash than for its beauty. Often called "Garbage Village," it's where generations of Christian Egyptians have eked out a living processing Cairo's garbage. But not Neama. Not anymore.

Neama comes from a family of garbage recyclers, but she was determined to forge a different life. So she learned to do make-up and cut hair, and opened her own salon. With the help of a $200 TOLI microloan — and despite the fact she can't read or write — her business took off. Soon Neama saw a chance to give someone else a hand up in the same way. 

When Neama met Aua, a 12-year-old Muslim girl left alone to be the sole provider for her grandparents, she knew she needed to hire her. Aua now assists Neama in the salon, getting valuable experience for herself and vital income for her family, while helping Neama make clients feel beautiful and valued every day. 

Above, beauty salon owner Neama (left) and Aua, her assistant and mentee. Below, two garbage recyclers in Mokattam.

Above, beauty salon owner Neama (left) and Aua, her assistant and mentee. Below, two garbage recyclers in Mokattam.

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Neama is determined that her own three kids have a better future, too. She insists they stay in school and work hard. She's even begun renting a small shop for her teenage son, so he can start a business of his own soon.

The ripple effect of TOLI's investment in Neama is clear — the cycle of poverty is being broken in two families, jobs are being created, the community is changing. And, among TOLI clients, her story is not that unusual.

"It's all about mindset," says Neama about her success.

Orphan care and job creation are two key indicators of lasting transformation through TOLI's program. In 2020, one-third of TOLI's clients reported that they provide care for orphans. And 20 percent reported employing others through their small business.

"It's all about mindset," Neama says about her success. We give thanks to God for Neama's renewed mind and generous heart, and how he's using it to bring hope, redemption, and beauty to so many.



Around the world, brave women and men are dreaming new dreams and finding new purpose through TOLI’s Christ-centered microloan program. At Taste & See: Come to the Table 2021, we invite you to come walk in their shoes, learn their stories, and celebrate their gifts. What you discover may surprise you.  

You don't want to miss this unforgettable event. Tables and tickets are going fast, so reserve your spot today. Here's how:

HOST A TABLE. Invite your friends to be inspired by TOLI’s life-changing ministry. 
> Dinner Seating: $500 per table (8 people). *NOTE: DINNER IS NEARLY SOLD OUT. 
> Lunch Seating: $400 per table (8 people).

BUY TICKETS. $50 per person, available for lunch only. 

BECOME A CORPORATE SPONSOR. Your business or organization can help us transform more lives by sponsoring this event. 

Questions? Email Erin Eilmes 



What is life like in Ethiopia right now? How are TOLI clients faring? Join TOLI Social Worker Hailu Getachew on our next prayer Zoom, and get the latest news from our program in Addis Ababa. You'll also hear the latest prayer needs and updates from our other locations around the world, as we pray together for the entire TOLI family.

WHEN: Tuesday JULY 13, 12pm MT on Zoom

Email Liza for your Zoom link. Or join the Prayer Team here to get prayer reminders straight in your inbox.

Love is local.

How TOLI's "for local, by local" model is making an impact — for vulnerable communities and the ministries that serve them

It was no easy feat, gathering 50 women together, pulling them from work and kids on a Monday morning. For some, it was the first time to ever leave their village.

Our partners in Upper Egypt had dreamed of a spiritual retreat for their TOLI microloan clients for a long time — a day of worship, encouragement, food, and fun. And earlier this month, they made it happen. The women arrived in minibusses in small groups, a little shy and sticking close to the few people they knew. But by day’s end, the courtyard echoed with laughter as they crowded close, playing games and cracking jokes in the afternoon sun. Joy.

More than 50 women, all of whom have built a small business through TOLI's microloan program, gathered in El Minya, Egypt, for a special day of worship, teaching, and encouragement.

More than 50 women, all of whom have built a small business through TOLI's microloan program, gathered in El Minya, Egypt, for a special day of worship, teaching, and encouragement.

Keeping it local

We like to say that TOLI is designed to be ‘for local, by local.’ And this retreat illustrates that perfectly. It is our local ministry partners, like these churches in Upper Egypt, who have the true vision for serving their own people. They invest the time, energy, and prayer to usher in transformation in their neighborhoods through TOLI's microloan program. “TOLI,” as an organization, is just privileged to get a front-row seat.

Everywhere we work, we partner with local organizations — churches or Christ-centered ministries — already at work in the community. That’s because we believe truly lasting solutions are homegrown. These local ministries adopt the TOLI program to be one more tool in their toolbox to effectively reach the people God has called them to serve. A local committee of volunteer leaders oversees operations. And TOLI social workers are native to the community being served. The potential impact of a TOLI microloan program in their area is as big as they dare to dream for it.

Transforming communities

We tell a lot of stories here about individual client successes. But TOLI’s impact is community-wide — and even beyond.

The five churches that brought TOLI clients together for this retreat may be miles apart, with their own unique challenges. But they share at least one thing: a commitment to restoring the God-given dignity of every person. And together they’re finding new, creative, and God-glorifying ways to fulfill it. 

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Women worshipped together and enjoyed a special meal.

Women worshipped together and enjoyed a special meal.

Your support helps TOLI provide our program to more local ministries who are impacting their communities for Christ.

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What did 2020 mean for TOLI? Check out our Annual Report.

You won't want to miss the amazing story of Faith, one incredible client whose journey this year illustrates how God is using TOLI to transform lives ... even in the year of COVID.

Help us spread the word so we can bring microloans and hope to more families — LIKE and SHARE TOLI with your friends on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn: