Crowd full of thanks

A letter of thankfulness

Great is thy faithfulness, Oh God, my Father!

There is so much to be thankful for – God is great! God is faithful! God is our father, and we are His children!

As I reflect on my first year at TOLI, my heart is filled with gratitude. I’m deeply grateful for our passionate, faithful, and generous donors who support this ministry! I’m grateful for our incredible Partners: Heliopolis Evangelical Church in Egypt, Life Center Ethiopia, and Kenya Connection Kids.  I give thanks for the TOLI Field Staff, who do amazing things with God to impact so many lives. And I praise God for TOLI clients who are working hard to grow their small businesses and change their communities.

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Egypt and see the work being done to bring about truly sustainable change in the lives of individuals, families, and communities through the TOLI microloan program.  

During the visit, our Partner hosted an inspiring worship event. Over 1,800 TOLI clients and their family members attended this event. Better Life, one of the largest Christian bands in the Middle East, led clients in worship. TOLI’s Chaplain clearly presented the Gospel and invited clients to respond. The Holy Spirit was present in extraordinary ways. Over 370 people surrendered their lives to the Lord.

Please take a couple of minutes to watch the accompanying video. I believe it will move your heart to thankfulness.

With heartfelt thanks, and with a prayer that this blesses you as a transition from celebrating Thanksgiving to celebrating the message of Christmas,


 Don Paterson, TOLI Executive Director

P.S. Keep your eye on your inbox in the coming weeks for TOLI’s year-end campaign! Our world needs hope and restoration more than ever, and I encourage you to pray and consider a year-end gift.