What is a cycle of hope?

New to TOLI? Or need a refresher? Watch this quick video to see how TOLI’s simple but powerful program breaks the cycle of poverty and starts a cycle of hope in poor communities around the world.

Aregash (above), is from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She’s one of more than 1,100 currently in the TOLI Microloan Program. Through the program she has:

  • received small business training

  • developed a business that provides reliable income

  • increased her monthly earnings

  • started saving money for the first time

  • provided for her kids

  • connected to the local church

  • received steady support from Life Center, TOLI’s partner ministry

  • received her own Bible

Aregash is nearly finished paying off her $200 microloan. Even during the challenges of COVID and political unrest in Ethiopia, she’s stayed on time and faithful to her commitment of repaying back to the program. The best part? That $200 will soon be recycled to another needy entrepreneur in the same community.

That’s that most powerful recycling program we know. That’s TOLI’s cycle of hope.

A note of thanks

It’s worth saying again — THANK YOU to all who supported last month’s “Taste & See” event in Colorado Springs. More than 300 of you showed up, walked in the shoes of a TOLI client, and experienced the impact of the TOLI program firsthand. Together, you helped TOLI raise more than $111,000 to expand our reach and invest in the dreams of more families.

We are so grateful for your generosity, trust, and investment in what God is doing through TOLI and our ministry partners around the world.

If you missed it, here’s a quick clip of this extraordinary day:

new addition to the us office

Help us welcome this year’s Communications Fellow, Audrey Putney, who joins us through the First Pres Fellows Program in Colorado Springs. The Fellows Initiative is a nationwide leadership and discipleship program for recent college graduates. Participants take part in graduate courses, a paid internship, mentoring and community service opportunities, to develop and apply their gifts, while learning to integrate a Christian worldview into all areas of life.

Audrey is a recent Baylor University graduate where she studied English and Business Administration. She brings with her experience in nonprofits, publications, and ministry, as well as a passion for other cultures. Her role at TOLI focuses on building our social media presence, mining monthly database for inspiring client stories, coordinating our Prayer Team and monthly Prayer Gatherings, and more. Audrey, we are so grateful to have you on the TeamTOLI!

A heartfelt thank you

On September 23, 2021, more than 300 of you joined us in Colorado Springs to 'taste and see' the power of hope in unexpected places. At this special event, guests walked through a replica of a typical TOLI community, coming face to face with the realities of life in the hard places we work — but also the beauty, creativity, resilience, and joy found there, too. Together we learned stories of restoration, transformation, and the power of investing in just ONE.

In response, you gave more than $105,000 to support TOLI's work around the world. Your generosity, trust, and prayers are an overwhelming encouragement to TOLI's staff and ministry partners. THANK YOU for your support. We are so grateful.

Here are a few scenes from the big day!

A glimpse of the TOLI walk-through experience at Taste & See:

Thank you again for investing in the dreams of others through TOLI. What an honor to partner with all of you in ministry.

With gratitude and joy,

Abigail McConnell
Executive Director, TOLI

PS: One more thing. I just can't go without telling you about one of the small miracles of "Taste & See." After planning for more than 10 months for this event on September 23, we woke up that day to a sweet reminder that God was with us. The verse of the day on the Bible app — used by more than 400 million worldwide, mind you — was none other than Psalm 34:8, "Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him."

Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.
— P S A L M 3 4 : 3

Growing businesses — and believers

What does a microloan program have to do with Jesus? For TOLI, pretty much everything.

“I want to say something," said Amara,* as she raised her hand in the middle of class. "I want to receive Jesus as my personal savior.”

Amara had just heard a volunteer read scripture to kick off a recent session of TOLI's Business Basics Course — a free class designed for microloan clients in vulnerable communities and based on Biblical principles.

A TOLI client prays to receive Jesus Christ in a business training class.

A TOLI client prays to receive Jesus Christ in a business training class.

"Prayers work!" said Hailu, TOLI Social Worker in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, as he retold Amara's story to us. Amara, a widow and mom of two young kids, had joined the class earlier this summer. She had hoped to start her own business. What she started first was new life in Christ.

Amara is a perfect reminder of TOLI's most fundamental why: To introduce others to Jesus.
And our how — as unlikely as it may seem — is through microloans. That's because the foundations of TOLI's microloan program are firmly built on Gospel witness. Here's how:

> Mission-aligned partnerships. We work with Christ-centered Partner Ministries whose mission aligns with ours. We are yoked together, committed to praying for each others’ leaders and kingdom callings. (ie, "Prayers work!")
> Spiritually mature staff. From social workers to board members, TOLI team members at every level are mature Christ-followers, activated for ministry.
> Relationship-building. The ongoing relationships between our Social Workers and our clients are fertile ground for meaningful spiritual growth, filled with opportunities for conversation and questions at a deeper level.
> Connecting with the local church. The local church is the most powerful tool available for spiritual growth. Our Social Workers help connect clients to the local church for important resources, activities, spiritual support, and worship services whenever they can.

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Bible distribution is just one way TOLI shares the good news of Jesus Christ.

Bible distribution is just one way TOLI shares the good news of Jesus Christ.

TOLI clients experience spiritual growth through our program in different ways.

Some clients, like Amara, accept Jesus in a pronounced, dramatic way. Others slowly learn to lean on him through prayer, or take small steps of faith, or return to the church after wandering. Others simply learn to trust a Christian for the first time. But in every case, TOLI clients are given access to the Word of God with a copy of their own Bible, along with the ongoing support and unconditional love of our field staff.

So, yes, we believe business growth is the best solution to poverty. But we also believe true poverty can't be cured without a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray with us that every client, just like Amara, would raise her hand before him too. *names have been changed for privacy.


This Tuesday, we'll be joined by Maged Metyas, Egypt Country Director, for September's prayer gathering on Zoom. You'll hear the latest updates and prayer requests from TOLI's largest and fastest-growing program. And as always, we'll share prayer needs from all around the TOLI family. Email Audrey Putney for your Zoom link.


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Come experience the power of hope in unexpected places at our Fall event, Taste & See. Just a few seats remain, so reserve your spot today. Tickets are $50 (Lunch only — dinner is sold out.)


Update from the field

What's happening around the TOLI family? LOTS.

Here's a cheat sheet on the latest news from all our partners.

EGYPT // New hope, new locations
> 673 CLIENTS currently in the program. 
> WHAT'S NEW? Two new TOLI locations have launched this year — in Taha Al Amidah and Atlidem, both in Upper Egypt. We've added staff and structure to our head office in Cairo, which is accelerating program growth throughout the country and beyond, even launching a new program in Uganda in May. 
> COVID UPDATE. After a spring spike in cases, things are opening up again and the outlook is hopeful. We're especially encouraged that groups are allowed to gather again for business training for the first time in 18 months.  
> HOW YOU CAN PRAY. For our field staff: Social Workers (14 and counting); Maged Metyas, Egypt Country Director, Evette Shoukry, Program Assistant; and Bassem Gad, Financial Assistant; and for Pastor Sameh Anwar, Missions Pastor at Heliopolis Church, our Strategic Partner. For clients' courage and boldness to restart business projects after setbacks or interruptions. 

KENYA // Growing the TOLI family — and the church
> 183 CLIENTS currently in the program. 
> WHAT'S NEW? We're thrilled to add Thika Town Church (PCEA) to the TOLI network, which will spearhead our outreach in the slum of Kiandutu, north of Nairobi. We even joined forces on a special project to build a new church in Kiandutu (which was just completed and dedicated August 1!) We're growing our field staff too, adding four new social workers so far this year, bringing the team to six.
> COVID UPDATE. After a spring spike and an accompanying lockdown, cases of Covid fell in early summer. However recent data shows an uptick in cases again. 
> HOW YOU CAN PRAY. The pandemic has taken its toll on youth and education. Schools closing meant a spike in teen pregnanciesfemale genital mutilation (FGM), and forced marriage. Pray for students as they head back to school this month. Pray for the new church in Kiandutu. Pray for wisdom for our partners as they discern God's plan for TOLI in Kenya. Pray for clients whose businesses were set back by the pandemic. Pray for our Social Workers Nicholas, Mary, Olive, Casperin, Hellen, and Judy; pray for Partner Ministries Kenya Connection Ministries, and Comet House.

CENTRAL AMERICA // New staff helps continue the recovery
> 73 CLIENTS currently in the program 
> WHAT'S NEW? We welcomed new Social Workers — Orlando and Miguel — who are helping expand TOLI in Puerto Cabezas. Our Business Basics Course is attracting more and more participants; recently we celebrated 17 graduates.
> COVID UPDATE. The spread of the coronavirus seems to have slowed. However, the rainy season has driven up cases of dengue fever, malaria, and other respiratory illnesses, especially in kids. 
> HOW YOU CAN PRAY. The pandemic plus two catastrophic hurricanes in late 2020 caused incredible hardship. Many clients lost homes, businesses, and support systems. Pray for hope, determination, and courage for them and wisdom for our partners and field staff for how to best serve them. Pray for Social Workers Junior, Orlando, and Miguel. Pray for Partner Ministry.

 ETHIOPIA // Ray of hope in a season of conflict
> 38 CLIENTS currently in the program 
> WHAT'S NEW? Our partner Life Center Ethiopia began a fruitful collaboration with The Unique 7,000 Church in Addis Ababa, and it's yielding powerful results. Client reach has doubled in the first half of this year and we're on track to hit our target of providing 60 microloans to widows in 2021.
> COVID UPDATE. Cases spiked severely in the spring, but have decreased again. Markets are open and businesses are on the mend. 
> HOW YOU CAN PRAY. Ethiopia itself has had a horrific year. War in the Tigray region has meant civil unrest, inflation, and insecurity throughout the country, and recent reports indicate the conflict is spreading to other areas. Please pray for PEACE. Pray for Hailu, our Social Worker, and for our Partner Ministry, Life Center. 

UGANDA // COVID creates big hurdles for new program
> 10 CLIENTS currently in the program 
> WHAT'S NEW? Everything! Uganda is our newest location, so it is still in the incubation stages. 
> COVID UPDATE. Infection rates are falling after a lockdown imposed in June. Restrictions recently have been eased, but schools, churches, mosques, seasonal markets remain closed. 
> HOW YOU CAN PRAY. Pray for our 10 fledging clients. The COVID spike has made for a rough start. Pray for our Social Worker Christine, as she learns and leads the TOLI program in Luwero. Pray for COVID to decrease and the lockdown to lift. Pray for our Egypt team to be able to visit to help continue establishing this TOLI location. Pray for Partner Ministry Goshen Gospel Church.

Hope multiplied.

NEAMA OWNS A BEAUTY SALON IN MOKATTAM VILLAGE — a place known more for its trash than for its beauty. Often called "Garbage Village," it's where generations of Christian Egyptians have eked out a living processing Cairo's garbage. But not Neama. Not anymore.

Neama comes from a family of garbage recyclers, but she was determined to forge a different life. So she learned to do make-up and cut hair, and opened her own salon. With the help of a $200 TOLI microloan — and despite the fact she can't read or write — her business took off. Soon Neama saw a chance to give someone else a hand up in the same way. 

When Neama met Aua, a 12-year-old Muslim girl left alone to be the sole provider for her grandparents, she knew she needed to hire her. Aua now assists Neama in the salon, getting valuable experience for herself and vital income for her family, while helping Neama make clients feel beautiful and valued every day. 

Above, beauty salon owner Neama (left) and Aua, her assistant and mentee. Below, two garbage recyclers in Mokattam.

Above, beauty salon owner Neama (left) and Aua, her assistant and mentee. Below, two garbage recyclers in Mokattam.

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Neama is determined that her own three kids have a better future, too. She insists they stay in school and work hard. She's even begun renting a small shop for her teenage son, so he can start a business of his own soon.

The ripple effect of TOLI's investment in Neama is clear — the cycle of poverty is being broken in two families, jobs are being created, the community is changing. And, among TOLI clients, her story is not that unusual.

"It's all about mindset," says Neama about her success.

Orphan care and job creation are two key indicators of lasting transformation through TOLI's program. In 2020, one-third of TOLI's clients reported that they provide care for orphans. And 20 percent reported employing others through their small business.

"It's all about mindset," Neama says about her success. We give thanks to God for Neama's renewed mind and generous heart, and how he's using it to bring hope, redemption, and beauty to so many.



Around the world, brave women and men are dreaming new dreams and finding new purpose through TOLI’s Christ-centered microloan program. At Taste & See: Come to the Table 2021, we invite you to come walk in their shoes, learn their stories, and celebrate their gifts. What you discover may surprise you.  

You don't want to miss this unforgettable event. Tables and tickets are going fast, so reserve your spot today. Here's how:

HOST A TABLE. Invite your friends to be inspired by TOLI’s life-changing ministry. 
> Dinner Seating: $500 per table (8 people). *NOTE: DINNER IS NEARLY SOLD OUT. 
> Lunch Seating: $400 per table (8 people).

BUY TICKETS. $50 per person, available for lunch only. 

BECOME A CORPORATE SPONSOR. Your business or organization can help us transform more lives by sponsoring this event. 

Questions? Email Erin Eilmes 



What is life like in Ethiopia right now? How are TOLI clients faring? Join TOLI Social Worker Hailu Getachew on our next prayer Zoom, and get the latest news from our program in Addis Ababa. You'll also hear the latest prayer needs and updates from our other locations around the world, as we pray together for the entire TOLI family.

WHEN: Tuesday JULY 13, 12pm MT on Zoom

Email Liza for your Zoom link. Or join the Prayer Team here to get prayer reminders straight in your inbox.

An unexpected legacy

How one grandmother's bold move changed a whole family — and their future

Veronica was 80 years young when she took on an unlikely new challenge — to become an entrepreneur. 

For decades, this proud mother of five and grandmother of six, along with her husband Antonio, had raised chickens at their home in rural Kenya, selling some here and there to make meager ends meet. But when she heard about TOLI’s microloan program, she began to dream of something bigger. 

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So in 2019, despite the fact she had never learned to read, Veronica signed up for TOLI’s Business Basics Course through her community-based savings group. Her husband and daughter-in-law, Judy, joined her. The course, which is designed for learners of all levels, gave them practical tools for growing a thriving small business, and the Biblical foundations to integrate their work with faith in Jesus.

After finishing the course, Veronica and Judy were granted microloans of about $250 each to invest in poultry inventory and the equipment needed to grow their businesses.

Now 18 months later, what started as a family flock of a few dozen chickens is today a full-fledged poultry operation, numbering more than 850 chickens between them. They rear birds for eggs and meat, and have expanded to both wholesale and retail sales.   

Veronica and Antonio have been married for 58 years.

Veronica and Antonio have been married for 58 years.

Antonio loves to brag about the power of TOLI’s training and how it changed their life. 

“The way he talks about TOLI is like magic,” says their TOLI Social Worker, who has walked alongside the family throughout the program. Antonio now spends time teaching and mentoring his kids and grandkids in the poultry business, passing his know-how and vision to the next generation. 

As for Veronica, she admits this whole venture was a risk at first. But she wasn’t afraid.

“If you fear doing something, you’ll never do it. But God will do it through you. God does not want people to fear.”

“If you fear doing something, you’ll never do it,” she says. But if you take the risk and believe, then “God will do it through you. God does not want people to fear.”

What’s most remarkable about Veronica and Antonio’s story is not their risk-taking, their late-in-life success, or their newfound financial security. What's most remarkable is how they show us that big dreams unfold one brave step at a time, through one person at a time, and — with God’s help — have the power to change generations to come.

Antonio with some of their flock. They hope to add a second story to this chicken coop and double their inventory.

Antonio with some of their flock. They hope to add a second story to this chicken coop and double their inventory.

Veronica is the mother of five and grandmother of six.

Veronica is the mother of five and grandmother of six.

Veronica's daughter-in-law, Judy, shows off her completed Business Basics Workbook.

Veronica's daughter-in-law, Judy, shows off her completed Business Basics Workbook.



TOLI Tuesdays are a unique time to meet TOLI staff around the world to pray for them and their clients. This month, we welcome a team of three social workers — Lucy, Judy, and Hellen — working with TOLI clients in Kenya, including Veronica and her family! They will share updates from the field and prayer requests for their ministry. You'll also hear the latest prayer needs and updates from our other locations around the world.

WHEN: Tuesday JUNE 8, 12pm MT on Zoom
Email Liza for your Zoom link. Or join the Prayer Team here to get prayer reminders straight in your inbox.

Help us spread the word so we can bring microloans and hope to more families — LIKE and SHARE TOLI with your friends on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn:

Hellos and goodbyes

Helloto new places and new people

INTRODUCING TOLI-UGANDA. An outgrowth of TOLI-Egypt, this new partnership in Uganda will be spearheaded by Goshen Gospel Ministries, a network of six small churches scattered across a rural area just north of the capital city of Kampala.

Goshen church leaders had been praying for years "for God to send an organization to help us reach the community" with practical help and the good news of the Gospel. Through divine connections at Heliopolis Evangelical Church (our strategic partner in Egypt), Goshen and TOLI were introduced to each other.

More than 70 budding entrepreneurs completed TOLI's Business Basics Course near Luweero, Uganda in March.

More than 70 budding entrepreneurs completed TOLI's Business Basics Course near Luweero, Uganda in March.

This new frontier for TOLI is a result of months of talks, prayer, and visits between TOLI-Egypt leaders and leaders in Uganda. To date, 70 needy entrepreneurs have received business training here, and the first five TOLI clients have been approved for a microloan. Stay tuned for much more from our new partners in Uganda. In the meantime, we invite you to a special hour of prayer over this new program on Tuesday May 11 at 12pm MT on Zoom. Scroll down for details!

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AND INTRODUCING OUR NEWEST TOLI-US TEAM MEMBER, MORGAN SHABE. Morgan joins TOLI this month as Program Associate in the US office, where she'll help expand our program's impact and capacity. Morgan has deep nonprofit experience, a heart for the Lord, and a passion for serving vulnerable populations, especially internationally. Here's a quick Q+A to get to know Morgan better:

What attracted you to TOLI? "I have always loved the concept of microloans and the impact it has on communities. I love TOLI's approach in the sense that we never want to be front and center, but only want to equip the local partners to be the true hands and feet of Jesus." 

What do you like to do in your free time? "I'm a Colorado Mountain girl! We love to ski, hike, bike, and kayak. I also love to read and am always trying to learn something new." 

What's a random fact about yourself we should know? "I always love to lead with telling people we have 7 kids... the reactions always make me smile! Another random fact: It seems like a lifetime ago, but I was a foster parent for a total of 5 teenagers starting when I was 19 through 25 years old." 

What's your favorite bible verse? "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing." — Zephaniah 3:17

And farewell
(but not really goodbye)

COMMUNICATIONS FELLOW, LIZA CUNNINGHAM, FINISHES HER FELLOWSHIP THIS WEEK, concluding a 9-month internship with TOLI. We are so grateful for Liza's hard work, creativity, and whole-hearted service to TOLI. God has worked in her mightily this year, and we know it is just the beginning.

Liza wanted to share with all of you how a year in the TOLI family has impacted her life ...

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“Working for TOLI has been an experience I never knew I needed.”

I spent my last semester at the University of Tennessee searching for jobs at large, for-profit agencies in big cities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Through that search, God pulled hard at my heartstrings, calling me to draw closer to Him. I knew that I wanted to focus on my faith, but I always told myself, 'I’ll have time later in life,' and 'it’s more important to land a full-time job right now.' Boy, was I wrong.

I was eventually prompted to join a nine-month Christian leadership program called The Fellows Initiative. Through this program, I was connected to TOLI — and I thank the Lord for it every day. Never in my wildest dreams did I picture myself at a small non-profit in Colorado Springs, but working for TOLI has been an experience I never knew I needed. 

If you’re signed up to receive this newsletter, you know that TOLI pours into the lives of new entrepreneurs across the globe. But what you don’t know is that TOLI also pours into me. 

My job responsibilities include mining through field reports, client interviews, images, and archives to tell personal and inspiring stories for social media, newsletters, reports, and TOLI's website. By digging through databases, learning about clients, and communicating with field staff in different countries, I have been inspired in more ways than I can count. The majority of these clients work hard, love deeply, credit their success to the Lord, and trust that He will provide. Even when these clients don’t end up with business success, they gain something much more valuable: a strengthened relationship with God. Many don’t even have a bed, yet somehow their faith appears so much stronger than mine. This contagious hope in the Lord sparked my inner desire to grow in trust, discernment, and faith on a deeply personal level.

While I could go on and on about the different client stories that have brought me to tears, the social workers who have shown me love and grace, or even the generous hearts of those who give so faithfully to this ministry, I couldn’t even begin to tell you what working with Abigail, Erin, and Eddie has been like. They show me what it’s like to partake in the body of Christ... Every. Single. Day. They teach me how to live in God’s grace, take each day at a time, and, most importantly, how to intentionally pray over every worry, heartache, or situation out of my control. Their hearts are full of joy, compassion, and peace. They are mentors, coaches, and friends, but, even more than that, they have become family.

So, thank you to the entire TOLI family, near and far. You’ve pushed me to become a better version of myself. Encouraged me to be a joyful giver. Shown me the power of prayer, community, and hope. And lastly, you’ve shown me that restoring human dignity is possible and that this broken world has some good to go around after all. While the nature of the TOLI ministry is to uplift our impoverished brothers and sisters across the globe, I will forever be grateful for this experience, the community surrounding this ministry, and the way my relationship with Christ has positively transformed over the past nine months. 

TOLI Thankful, 
Liza Cunningham, Communications Fellow


Join us for TOLI Tuesday Prayer Gathering for a special time of prayer for our brand new Uganda program, ministry partners, field staff, clients, and local community. You'll also hear the latest prayer requests and updates from our other locations around the world.

WHEN: Tuesday MAY 11, 12pm MT on Zoom
Email Liza for your Zoom link. Or join the Prayer Team here to get prayer reminders straight in your inbox.

Help us spread the word so we can bring microloans and hope to more families — LIKE and SHARE TOLI with your friends on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn:

Love is local.

How TOLI's "for local, by local" model is making an impact — for vulnerable communities and the ministries that serve them

It was no easy feat, gathering 50 women together, pulling them from work and kids on a Monday morning. For some, it was the first time to ever leave their village.

Our partners in Upper Egypt had dreamed of a spiritual retreat for their TOLI microloan clients for a long time — a day of worship, encouragement, food, and fun. And earlier this month, they made it happen. The women arrived in minibusses in small groups, a little shy and sticking close to the few people they knew. But by day’s end, the courtyard echoed with laughter as they crowded close, playing games and cracking jokes in the afternoon sun. Joy.

More than 50 women, all of whom have built a small business through TOLI's microloan program, gathered in El Minya, Egypt, for a special day of worship, teaching, and encouragement.

More than 50 women, all of whom have built a small business through TOLI's microloan program, gathered in El Minya, Egypt, for a special day of worship, teaching, and encouragement.

Keeping it local

We like to say that TOLI is designed to be ‘for local, by local.’ And this retreat illustrates that perfectly. It is our local ministry partners, like these churches in Upper Egypt, who have the true vision for serving their own people. They invest the time, energy, and prayer to usher in transformation in their neighborhoods through TOLI's microloan program. “TOLI,” as an organization, is just privileged to get a front-row seat.

Everywhere we work, we partner with local organizations — churches or Christ-centered ministries — already at work in the community. That’s because we believe truly lasting solutions are homegrown. These local ministries adopt the TOLI program to be one more tool in their toolbox to effectively reach the people God has called them to serve. A local committee of volunteer leaders oversees operations. And TOLI social workers are native to the community being served. The potential impact of a TOLI microloan program in their area is as big as they dare to dream for it.

Transforming communities

We tell a lot of stories here about individual client successes. But TOLI’s impact is community-wide — and even beyond.

The five churches that brought TOLI clients together for this retreat may be miles apart, with their own unique challenges. But they share at least one thing: a commitment to restoring the God-given dignity of every person. And together they’re finding new, creative, and God-glorifying ways to fulfill it. 

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Women worshipped together and enjoyed a special meal.

Women worshipped together and enjoyed a special meal.

Your support helps TOLI provide our program to more local ministries who are impacting their communities for Christ.

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What did 2020 mean for TOLI? Check out our Annual Report.

You won't want to miss the amazing story of Faith, one incredible client whose journey this year illustrates how God is using TOLI to transform lives ... even in the year of COVID.

Help us spread the word so we can bring microloans and hope to more families — LIKE and SHARE TOLI with your friends on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn:

Open Doors: Our 2020 Annual Report

For the world, 2020 was a year the world closed down. For TOLI and our clients, it was a year of doors opening up — to new locations, to new avenues for ministry, to more hearts ready to hear the Gospel. Thank you for standing with us so faithfully during a challenging, but strengthening year.

With gratitude for you and thanksgiving to the Lord, we are pleased to share our 2020 ANNUAL REPORT.

6 ways we thank God for 2020

Praising God in the hurricanes

“… you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith ... may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” — 1 PETER 1:6-7

In November, Pastor Earl Bowie, leader of our partner ministry in Central America, stood on his porch in the middle of a hurricane to film a message to share with the world. As the wind bent trees and the rain pelted his face, he proclaimed that God is good, in control, and worthy of praise.

Watch Pastor Earl's message HERE.

Watch Pastor Earl's message HERE.

Looking back, 2020 feels a bit like one long hurricane.

As if a storm of sickness, strife, isolation, riots, even wildfires and actual hurricanes hung over us for most of the year.

In a letter to early believers, Peter wrote that earthly suffering will bring kingdom results. The same is true today — question is, do we just hunker down and wait out the hurricanes, or can we actually participate in those kingdom results?

I believe we can — because our partners and our clients are showing us how. Pastor Earl’s video, praising God in the storm, has been viewed more than 142,000 times on social media. His faith, hope, and boldness in the middle of very real trials are resulting in “praise, glory, and honor” for Jesus Christ.

For TOLI, the stormy backdrop of 2020 causes its blessings to shine even brighter. We grieve what was lost, but we also celebrate the goodness God allowed us to find:

1. Our clients are strong. While lockdowns impact developing economies hardest, TOLI clients have shown resilience. Many TOLI clients and social workers battled COVID, but we give thanks to God that every one of them has fully recovered. Even better, most are back to work.


2. Our partners are committed. Volunteers and staff at our partner ministries in Egypt, Kenya, Nicaragua, and Ethiopia worked tirelessly, often in unthinkable conditions — police-enforced lockdowns, catastrophic hurricanes, blackouts, civil unrest — to show people Christ’s love with compassion and courage, overcoming obstacle after obstacle. In fact, TOLI ended up granting 37% more microloans in 2020 over the previous year — despite pausing our program for several months when the pandemic first hit.


3. Our donors are faithful. Throughout this tumultuous year, your support matched our ministry needs almost dollar for dollar, month by month. Whether through the COVID relief initiative or during the bump in demand for microloans that followed—God provided every resource needed to continue serving clients well, and then some. And He did it through YOU.


4. Spiritual food is real. At the start of 2020, the Lord prompted us to invest more deeply in spiritual development. Then COVID provided a way to put Bibles in the hands of every client, along with food packages, in their darkest time. The physical and spiritual food nourished these families the whole year through. In fact, one client in Kenya, armed with her own Bible for the first time, began holding church services and preaching in her yard while her local church was shut down.


5. Technology is a miracle. TOLI staff and partners now clearly see how isolated we were from each other before COVID. We’ve all embraced new technology that connects us “in person” now more than ever. That’s one change that will stick.


6. We’re all needy. In ministry and development work in the US, it’s easy to operate on the assumption that ‘we’ help ‘them.’ It’s a false premise embedded in the Western mindset, which under normal circumstances takes intention and practice to dislodge. This year, though, sickness and strife didn’t play favorites, and our own neediness, even as 'privileged Americans' was suddenly on prominent display. And so our empathy for each other, mutuality in our prayers, and unity in Christ grew between TOLI partners in profound ways. It is a gift.


That's just six, but I could go on and on.

So—were these blessings worth all the heartache of 2020? I'll leave that to God. What is left to us, though, is to point to goodness whenever, wherever it comes. To say it out loud. And to thank our God for it.

As we walk together into a new year, may the trials that lay behind and the inevitable challenges out ahead prove our faith genuine, and our Lord trustworthy.


Abigail McConnell,
Executive Director, TOLI

This week you should have received your 2020 Year-End Giving Statements from us via email. If you didn't get it, be sure to check your spam or junk folder, or contact Erin Eilmes for assistance. (PS: This is a great time to make sure you've added us to your contacts!)

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Hop on Zoom with us at 12pm MT on February 9 for our #TOLITUESDAY Prayer Gathering. This month, Lucy Njeri, TOLI Social Worker in Kenya shares what God is doing in clients' lives in her area and how we can pray. She'll also introduce us to NEW members of the Kenya TOLI team!

Email Liza to get this week's Zoom link or CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE PRAYER TEAM.

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