What does a microloan program have to do with Jesus? For TOLI, pretty much everything.
“I want to say something," said Amara,* as she raised her hand in the middle of class. "I want to receive Jesus as my personal savior.”
Amara had just heard a volunteer read scripture to kick off a recent session of TOLI's Business Basics Course — a free class designed for microloan clients in vulnerable communities and based on Biblical principles.
A TOLI client prays to receive Jesus Christ in a business training class.
"Prayers work!" said Hailu, TOLI Social Worker in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, as he retold Amara's story to us. Amara, a widow and mom of two young kids, had joined the class earlier this summer. She had hoped to start her own business. What she started first was new life in Christ.
Amara is a perfect reminder of TOLI's most fundamental why: To introduce others to Jesus. And our how — as unlikely as it may seem — is through microloans. That's because the foundations of TOLI's microloan program are firmly built on Gospel witness. Here's how:
> Mission-aligned partnerships. We work with Christ-centered Partner Ministries whose mission aligns with ours. We are yoked together, committed to praying for each others’ leaders and kingdom callings. (ie, "Prayers work!")
> Spiritually mature staff. From social workers to board members, TOLI team members at every level are mature Christ-followers, activated for ministry.
> Relationship-building. The ongoing relationships between our Social Workers and our clients are fertile ground for meaningful spiritual growth, filled with opportunities for conversation and questions at a deeper level.
> Connecting with the local church. The local church is the most powerful tool available for spiritual growth. Our Social Workers help connect clients to the local church for important resources, activities, spiritual support, and worship services whenever they can.
Bible distribution is just one way TOLI shares the good news of Jesus Christ.
TOLI clients experience spiritual growth through our program in different ways.
Some clients, like Amara, accept Jesus in a pronounced, dramatic way. Others slowly learn to lean on him through prayer, or take small steps of faith, or return to the church after wandering. Others simply learn to trust a Christian for the first time. But in every case, TOLI clients are given access to the Word of God with a copy of their own Bible, along with the ongoing support and unconditional love of our field staff.
So, yes, we believe business growth is the best solution to poverty. But we also believe true poverty can't be cured without a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray with us that every client, just like Amara, would raise her hand before him too. *names have been changed for privacy.
This Tuesday, we'll be joined by Maged Metyas, Egypt Country Director, for September's prayer gathering on Zoom. You'll hear the latest updates and prayer requests from TOLI's largest and fastest-growing program. And as always, we'll share prayer needs from all around the TOLI family. Email Audrey Putney for your Zoom link.
Come experience the power of hope in unexpected places at our Fall event, Taste & See. Just a few seats remain, so reserve your spot today. Tickets are $50 (Lunch only — dinner is sold out.)