Time to celebrate

As we cap off a busy summer, we're taking a minute to celebrate a few things: lots of new growth, an upcoming and hope-filled Pie Event on September 9th (scroll down for more details!) –and especially the success of TOLI entrepreneurs.

TOLI entrepreneurs are worth celebrating because they work hard to provide for their families, and they serve others everyday. They serve their children, their spouses, their customers. They even serve other future TOLI clients who they may not ever know. That’s because when TOLI entrepreneurs repay their microloans, staying true to their commitment, their loan repayments recycle back into a revolving fund that provides microloans for other needy people in the same community.

So today, we’re celebrating five clients – one from each program country– who recently paid off their microloan, allowing another person to begin training and start their own business.

A $250 microloan made a tangible difference in the lives of these clients. For Ayman, it kept his store open and allowed his creativity and business to thrive. For Claudia Florence, it created a stable income for her family of nine. And because these and so many other clients have paid off their microloans, more people dream, serve, start businesses, and celebrate others.

To celebrate and support more entrepreneurs, click on the button below.

// Mark you calendar for three important days //

On September 9th, Gold Star Pies will host "Get Pie. Give Hope." Heather Briggs, TOLI board member and owner of Gold Star Pies, will make and donate pie to benefit TOLI. Attendees will “name the price for their slice,” knowing every dollar goes toward providing poor entrepreneurs with microloans. At the event, there will be yard games, fellowship, and the really fun part? The highest donor will win an ultimate Gold Star Pies package!

Tuesday Sep 13th // 12-1pm MT

JOIN ON ZOOM: Email Audrey for your link or to join the Prayer Team for regular reminders and prayer updates.

OR DROP IN at the TOLI office:
5785 N. Union, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

TOLI's Global Day of Fasting and Prayer
October 24th, 2022

Stay tuned for more information about the 24 hours of prayer on October 24th.

The people behind the program

“What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray.” // M A T T H E W 1 8 : 1 2 - 1 3

In a tucked-away corner of the main market past stores and small restaurants, through a maze of clothes hanging from the rafters, there’s a small group of TOLI entrepreneurs running their businesses side by side.

One of them, Miriam, has a small restaurant where she cooks chicken and turtle meat. “How do you cook turtle meat,” you ask? “However you like,” she says.

Another client, Segunda, owns a tailoring shop next door. She works for hours a day at her machine, sewing pants, skirts, and school uniforms from scratch.

When the US team visited last month, we met with these women, celebrated and prayed for them – for their businesses, families, and futures.

But TOLI clients are just a fraction of the people working in this market. Here, people sell sodas, hop on and off of buses, sort clothes, and wait for food.

During the visit, Orlando – a TOLI Social Worker with a soft voice and a wise spirit – took notice of another woman sitting on a bench nearby. She's a friend of the TOLI clients, and was familiar with Orlando. She saw how he frequently visited and prayed for her friends. She knew he was steady, safe, and trustworthy.

So this day Orlando looked into her eyes and asked her her story.

“Can you pray for me?” the woman asked. She shared how her daughter with cerebral palsy can’t get out of bed. Tears streamed down her face, and Orlando was quick to intercede for her in prayer and bring her pain to the Father. Slowly, the rest of the team circled around her and prayed for her too – for healing, community, and peace. God was present, His Spirit filled her, and she prayed to believe in Jesus.

And that’s what makes TOLI Social Workers different. More than just ‘loan officers,’ they're missionaries. As Miguel, another TOLI Social Worker here said, “I learned not just how to serve, but how to really listen to people with the heart of trying to help this person. I used to just be a (loan) collector, but this is a ministry.”

So while these servants act as business coaches and microloan officers, they soon become counselors, friends, and spiritual mentors. Trustworthy and relational, they look for ways to go deeper with clients and to point people to Jesus. And their sphere of influence stretches beyond microloan clients, and into whole communities.

Would you pray specifically for TOLI Social Workers and Field Staff today? That they would continue to be a light for people who are lost and hurting. That they'd be filled with the Holy Spirit, protected, and empowered to minister to those in their path who need the help and hope of Jesus.

– Audrey Putney, Communications Associate

Help expand the impact of TOLI Social Workers like Orlando.

Here's how:

Why partnership is priceless

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’" // MARK 12:30-31

Wherever there's a TOLI program, there’s a local church or ministry already at work in the community. And that's why TOLI works, because these local Christ-centered ministries, who love God and who love people, use our program as a tool to transform their communities. 

Ministries partner with TOLI to reach people they wouldn't reach otherwise. While we provide a proven model and initial funds, it's our partners who hold the vision for their community. They assemble the local committee to champion the program, hire field staff to implement it, and encourage clients because they want to see people's hearts and minds transformed. They want to reach the poor and share with them the gospel. 

But don't take our word for it! Hear it from our partners as they share their heart for TOLI and for the nations:

“There are millions of widows who are waiting for help in Ethiopia, many of whom don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. I believe that serving with love and humility will transform lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe the loan program helps us to spread the Gospel and bring the kingdom of heaven to the earth. One at a time, individuals will be changed, then the community, through which we will change nations.”
– Mulu Woldetinsae //
Life Center Ethiopia // ETHIOPIA

“TOLI has opened my eyes to new areas in Egypt that are shouting “come over and help!” My church is positively impacted by TOLI because it opened for us a big door to help the needy community in Egypt, and also it helped us in trying to change the mentality of the Egyptian churches to give donations to the poor.”
— Bassem Raouf // Heliopolis Evangelical Church // EGYPT

“My favorite thing is to see a poor person guided through an entrepreneurship program, then grasp the concepts of dreaming big, good customer service, good marketing skills, etc., and assimilate them into their lives. I’ve seen clients internalize this, start businesses, and progress. That makes my day. Seeing them slowly transform from poverty, making daily steps towards self-sustainability, humbles and empowers me to do more.”
– Humphrey Kanga //
Kenya Connection Kids // KENYA

“My heart is with children. TOLI has brought more children to Sunday School and this is a huge blessing because they’re growing spiritually. For one client, Grace,
the first client to pay off her loan in Uganda, TOLI improved her life,
her children's, and her children's children."

– Angie Atta // Volunteer // Goshen Gospel Ministries // UGANDA

“TOLI is very effective because we have a lot of poverty here. Giving spiritual guidance without any practical help doesn't work to solve poverty. The Church used to just give money but that didn’t work. This system works.”
– Pastor Emad // Towah Evangelical Church // EGYPT

And thank you for your partnership as well! Your prayers and financial support help equip these local partners reach more people and transform more lives. Thank you!

We’re back… Thank you for praying

This month, a TOLI team travelled to our site in Central America to visit with partners. We visited clients, encouraged staff, and held a Regional Conference – which was an amazing time of fellowship and leadership training with Field Staff and committee members. Thanks to our Prayer Team and supporters for covering us in prayer during this journey.

New addition to the TOLI US Team

We’re so excited to welcome Amy Cullins as TOLI’s new Associate for Stewardship and Engagement! Amy has a welcoming heart for people, a passion for Jesus, and a gentle and humble spirit. Her rich experience in leading women’s ministry, event planning, volunteer engagement, teaching, and hospitality will be a huge asset to the TOLI team. Amy's focus will be on serving and praying for our donors, helping them meaningfully engage with the ministry and planning TOLI events. Amy, we’re thrilled to have you on the team!

Training that transforms

How TOLI's small business education helps entrepreneurs break the cycle of poverty

It’s graduation season here in the US — a perfect time to celebrate TOLI’s newest graduates, too!

So far this year, more than 600 students in poverty-impacted communities have been trained in entrepreneurship through TOLI's Business Basics Course.* In fact, our newest site in Uganda recently hosted our largest-ever single class of 152 students (pictured above). Of those, 104 completed the full training and graduated with certificates. Congratulations, graduates!

Click the video to catch a glimpse of TOLI business training in action around the world.

What is the Business Basics Course? The BBC is a customized, interactive, Biblically-based curriculum, where students learn the practical tools needed to start and manage a small business. They invest time thinking about their goals, dreams, talents, and creative ideas. The BBC is a pivotal piece of TOLI's dignified, sustainable, Christ-centered program.

Throughout training sessions, TOLI field staff and local volunteer leaders engage students through lively group discussions, workbook activities, and even fun skits. Designed for all levels of literacy, content is presented orally, using a question-and-answer format, dramas, hands-on exercises, and games. It's flexible, adaptable, and can be facilitated using the most simple resources. In fact, BBC classes have met in all kinds of environments: churches, community centers, homes, open fields, under tress — even in a banana grove.

“I learned how to effectively manage money by making a good budget to avoid wasting the money I get.” — CHRISTINE, KENYA

What do students learn? The course covers basic business concepts grounded on Biblical principles. The introductory session explores the question of why work matters to God, followed by a time for dreaming and self-discovery. The course then moves to core concepts of business formation and planning (mission statements, goals, marketing, product differentiation) before digging into more detailed skill-building in later sessions (pricing, recordkeeping, budgeting, saving, customer service). Ethics and leadership are also covered.

“I always wanted to start my own business, but I didn’t have the courage– TOLI training gave me the courage.” — SAMIR RAMSES, EGYPT

Who is the course for? The BBC benefits people of nearly every age or level of education. Graduates include teenage single mothers, rural farmers, widows, ex-convicts, people with disabilities, vocational school graduates, grandparents, crafts people, casual laborers, savings group members, trades people, young adult groups, and more.

Most importantly, this powerful course is changing lives — and it is only possible because of your generosity and prayers. Thank you for investing in the growth, goals, and transformation of TOLI's Business Basics graduates.

*TOLI’s BBC is based on an innovative curriculum originally designed by Alternativ Global Entrepreneurs and has been adapted for TOLI’s program with permission.

A bittersweet announcement

After four years as Development Associate, Erin Eilmes — known to so many of you through her thoughtful calls, cards, and prayers — closes her time on staff with TOLI this week. Erin's contributions stretch far beyond her official part-time role caring for donors and assisting with events. Her wisdom, creativity, strategic mind, dedication to excellence, and all-in heart for TOLI's mission have helped shaped this ministry into what it is today. We send her into the next season with our prayers, gratitude and deep hope that she'll continue to contribute to TOLI ... as a volunteer. THANK YOU, ERIN!
(And if you would like to say thanks or share an encouragement or prayer with Erin, click here to send her a quick note!)


Nearly four years ago, when the Lord opened up the opportunity to work with TOLI, I could have never imagined what that one YES would mean. I have been so incredibly blessed to serve with TOLI — to meet amazing friends, prayer partners, and brothers and sisters in Christ and to witness, first-hand, God’s transforming and redeeming power through this ministry. I am humbled and honored that the Lord invited me into His ministry to work in and through me as part of His plan. I can see so clearly how, for years, He was weaving many of my experiences, studies, and passions together to prepare me for TOLI.

Over the past several months, my husband and I have heard the Lord ask me to “make space.” As we prayed and talked through this, it has become clear that He is asking me to focus on our three teenagers, our small business, and being still and knowing He is God. In no means am I done with TOLI. I will remain involved in prayer and support, TOLI advocacy, and other volunteer opportunities.

Our TOLI clients, field staff, and ministry partners have inspired and encouraged my faith tremendously, and my local TOLI colleagues have taught me so much about co-laboring with the Lord. Together we have sought His guidance in prayer, taken risks, and brought our loaves and fish, trusting He would do the rest. And, He has! What an honor. I am so grateful for this TOLI Family!

With tremendous love and gratitude,


"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."  — EPHESIANS 3:20-21

Mark your Calendar


Tuesday June 14 // 12-1pm MT JOIN ON ZOOM: Email Audrey for your link or to join the prayer team for regular reminders and prayer updates.

OR DROP IN at the TOLI office: 5785 N. Union, Colorado Springs, CO 80918


The US office is expanding. If you know anyone who'd make a great addition to our ministry team here in Colorado Springs, let us know — and help us spread the word!

> Associate for Stewardship and Engagement
> Administrative Coordinator

For complete details go to www.toli.org/careers.

Harvesting hope

How small-scale farming can spark large-scale transformation

Did you know that about 30% of TOLI clients work in farming? 

In Egyptian villages, goats are raised on rooftops and then sold for milk and meat. Piggeries in rural Uganda turn a reliable profit. In Kenya, farmers specialize in different poultry products: broilers, layers, and even organic “Kienyegi” chickens.

For most of these clients, farming is not a new skill, but a way of life that’s nearly second nature. But paired with TOLI’s business training and improved agricultural techniques, these chickens, pigs, goats, cows, ducks, rabbits, beans, bananas, or maize are no longer supplementary backyard crops, but become viable, scalable businesses. 

Farmers in our program learn the value of saving and reinvesting, the importance of segregating personal and business expenses, and the value of specialization and marketing. In one community in Kenya, a group of neighboring TOLI clients with goat-keeping projects have recently attracted large wholesale goat milk buyers who wouldn’t normally buy from a single small scale farmer. Now the local goat milk market is expanding and these TOLI farmers are the beneficiaries. 

TOLI farmers also learn improved agricultural techniques from our partners and from each other. Often, simple and inexpensive changes produce massive results. For example, using a $300 TOLI microloan to invest in a well-built cowshed or a mechanized chaff cutter for livestock feed can double, triple, or even quadruple milk production — and therefore profits.

Hellen Muthengi is a volunteer TOLI leader in Kenya who also happens to be an expert in advanced farming techniques, working for the Ministry of Agriculture. Hellen coaches our farming clients on best practices and new technologies, helping them dramatically improve yields.

But Hellen doesn't see TOLI clients as businesses to fix — but as people to love. So along with her advice, she also offers a listening ear, a supportive presence, and a prayerful heart. She praises God when she witnesses clients improving their farms, increasing their profits, providing for their families, sending their kids to school, and becoming leaders in their community who give back, teach others, and share HOPE.

Please join us and Hellen as we pray for these hard working TOLI farmers — as they breed, raise, plant, grow, reap, and sell — that they would see themselves working hand in hand with the Creator, stewarding all that He's given.

We are hiring!

The US office is expanding. If you know anyone who'd make a great addition to our ministry team here in Colorado Springs, let us know — and help us spread the word!

> Associate for Stewardship and Engagement
> Administrative Coordinator

For complete details go to www.toli.org/careers.

Meet the newest members of Team TOLI around the world

Our international team has added a lot of new faces lately. Here's a quick introduction!

(right to left/top to bottom:
> Ehab Sobhy
is the new Regional Coordinator in Upper Egypt. He has a desire and vision to reach more sites and unite sites together.

> Bonface Muriuki formerly served as a Social Worker for TOLI in Kenya and has now returned to lead the Kenya team as Regional Coordinator.
> Hiwot Soloman is the newest TOLI Social Worker in Ethiopia. She has a heart for teaching and guiding others.
> Peter Kingecha is the new Financial Administrator in Kenya. He has an extensive background in business and management.
> Florence is the newest Social Worker in Uganda. She loves people so well!

We can't wait to see how God will use these people to grow TOLI and to proclaim the Gospel. Please pray for each of them — and the rest of our dedicated field staff — as they serve clients and the Lord.

Good News: 2021 Annual Report

"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
— ROMANS 10:15

Who doesn't need some GOOD NEWS? With thankful hearts, we are pleased to share with you our 2021 ANNUAL REPORT.

NEW! Now find us online at www.toli.org

> Check out our fancy new web address! You can now read stories, watch videos, and find more information about TOLI at toli.org. Easy to type, easy to remember, and easy to tell your friends!

> And fancy new (shorter!) staff emails. Please add or update us in your contacts so that emails make it straight to your inbox.

Abigail McConnell, Executive Director: abigail@toli.org
Morgan Shabe, Program Associate: morgan@toli.org
Erin Eilmes, Development Associate: erin@toli.org
Audrey Putney, Communications Fellow: audrey@toli.org

Come pray with us

Tuesday April 12th at 12-1pm MT

Join us via Zoom: Email Audrey for your link or to join the prayer team for regular reminders and prayer updates
Or drop in at the TOLI office: 5785 N. Union, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

To hear more client stories and to spread the word about TOLI–
like, follow and share TOLI with your friends on
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube:

Beauty in the ordinary

Leaves and dirt seem ordinary, but Lucy showed me how to take the ordinary and transform it into something beautiful. 

Once a week, Lucy comes back from the next town with her arms wrapped around a heavy bag of wholesale Kenyan tea. Her arms ache from the load, but she smiles because her kids are at school and her business is growing. When she gets home, she stoops over her workspace and the huge bag of tea, and separates the leaves into custom bags. Then she delivers tea to her loyal customers and sells it in the markets.

Watch this video to see Lucy at work:

Before TOLI, Lucy sold tea, but as a single mom, she couldn’t provide for her two kids and save for their future. Her income was unstable, and she lacked loyal customers to buy from her each week. 

When Lucy joined TOLI, completed her business training, and took a microloan worth $200, she felt determined to transform her business. But what she didn’t know was that so many other aspects of her life would change as well. 

In fact, the TOLI Microloan Program is designed to affect four main areas of change. As a result, clients experience holistic transformation, increasing their ability to:

          > Grow their business
          > Support their family
          > Increase Financial Stability
          > Grow Spiritually 


For Lucy, she learned how to grow her business and her brand. With increased access to capital, Lucy increased her buying power. That means she more than doubled her income, upgraded the quality of her tea leaves, and built a loyal customer base who drink Lucy’s tea every day. 


Lucy now supports her two children in elementary school. She’s saving for their future and wants them to flourish. 

 “My dream is to see my children complete their school, get employed and purchase their own cars,” she said. “I would be very happy to be cared for by my children.”

“My dream is to see my children complete their school, get employed and purchase their own cars. I would be very happy to be cared for by my children.”


Lucy now has enough money to support her family, to save for the future, and to pay back her loan installments. 

But what’s even more amazing is that she has money to invest in other projects. She expanded her small farm, where she grows beans, maize, and bananas. And she even expanded her home for her sons with thousands of bricks she made with her own two hands, using dirt and water and the heat of the sun. (Check out the end of the video to see how many bricks she made). 


Lucy is a tea dealer, farmer, and brick maker. But, most importantly, she’s a child of God.

Lucy knows God took her human brokenness and ordinariness, called her His own, and redeemed her to live in relationship with Him. God made Lucy’s brokenness beautiful.  And because of this, Lucy can turn ordinary things into beautiful things, too. She creates in the shadow of her creator. 

Through Lucy, I learned that leaves can make a warm drink and a beautiful business. Dirt can make a home. A microloan can lead to long-lasting transformation. I learned there’s beauty and change in the ordinary – in the smell of tea, in yellow bags, and in Lucy’s strong arms as she scoops leaves, turns dirt into bricks, and hugs her kids. There’s beauty in the growth of Lucy's business and in her dreams for the future.

And that beauty is far from ordinary.

In Christ
Audrey Putney
Communications Fellow

— Come pray with us —

Tuesday March 8 at 12pm MT

Join us via Zoom: Email Audrey for your link OR
Come to the TOLI office: 5785 N. Union, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Learning to dream

How TOLI clients teach us the risks — and rewards — of dreaming big

Ah, January. The month of new starts, do-overs, goal setting, and dreaming about the year ahead. I’ve always loved the clean slate a new year brings. But goal-setting? DREAMING? Well, those are things I’ve had to learn. 

And no one’s taught me more about dreaming than TOLI clients. 

“When I think about my dreams, I like to remember Genesis 8:14, ‘Is anything too hard for the Lord?’”
// Yodit, Ethiopia //

One of the first things participants in TOLI’s Business Basics Course do is write down or draw their dreams. Sometimes it takes a minute for them to warm up, but given a little time, a blank sheet of paper, and lots of encouragement, soon big audacious dreams are flying around the room like fireworks

Dreams for their handful of chicks to become a huge poultry farm. 
Dreams for their kids to be the first in their family to go to university. 
Dreams to own land and a home built of stone, not tin.
Dreams for their community to have clean, running water in every home. 
Dreams for their country to experience lasting peace. 

These are bold dreams for anyone to put down on paper. Even bolder for those living in broken systems and environments, where the odds and resources are stacked against them. 

So yes, TOLI clients absolutely school me when it comes to dreaming. 

But why? Why does ‘dreaming big’ not come naturally for me? Me, with relatively easy access to all the resources and connections I’d need to bring so many dreams within reach? 

If I’m honest, maybe the answer is I haven’t been dreaming at all. Maybe I’m too comfortable. Maybe a little too attached to my present to open up to dreams of an unknown future. 

Dreaming — if it’s dreaming at all — should be risky, feel vulnerable, maybe even seem a bit foolish. For most of us, it’s just easier to play it safe.

But for most TOLI clients, life is not safe. Vulnerability is a given. Possessions and pride are not something to cling to. 

“People discouraged me from following my dreams, but I didn't listen. I looked forward and pressed through the hard. God gave me strength.”
// Isis, Egypt  //

I am reminded of this prayer by M. K. W. Heicher. When I came across it a few months back, it both sang and stung in my heart:

Disturb me, Lord, when I am too well pleased with myself,
When my dreams have come true because I have dreamed too little,
When I arrived safely because I sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb me, Lord, when with the abundance of things I possess
I have lost my thirst for the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life, I have ceased to dream of eternity
And in my efforts to build a new earth, I have allowed my vision of the new heaven to dim.

Disturb me, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wider seas where storms will show your mastery;
Where losing sight of land, I shall find the stars.
I ask You to push back the horizons of my hopes;
And to push into the future in strength, courage, hope, and love. 

So in this new year, my goal is to practice what I’ve learned about dreaming from TOLI clients. 

To remember that dreaming is less about fantasy and more about faith. To ask God to “push back the horizons of my hopes.” And to find ways to help fulfill the dreams of those he puts in my path.

Want to join me? 


Abigail McConnell
Executive Director, TOLI

"I have always dreamt of rearing pigs. What was lacking was resources to fulfill the dream but I'm happy TOLI helped me fulfill it."
// Lucyline, Kenya //

"I learned through the program to dream big, and that gave me many ideas, so this helped me overcome many obstacles that overcame me before. This helped me to be a successful woman in my business."
// Angelica , Nicaragua //

“I dream of having more inventory and a store like one in America.”

// Samia, Egypt //


This week you should be receiving your 2021 Year-End Giving Statements from us via email. If you didn't get it, be sure to check your spam or junk folder, or contact Erin Eilmes for assistance. (PS: This is a great time to make sure you've added us to your contacts!)

More than a success story

If you passed by Evenor’s shop, you might just see an ordinary barber. But Evenor is far from ordinary. 

Evenor cuts a client’s hair at his barbershop.

Raised in an orphanage run by our partner in Central America, Evenor dreamed of one day having his own business and family. As a teenager, Evenor was discipled by leaders in the church. He was coached in business skills by TOLI Social Workers. And he was loved by a community of believers who modeled a life of worship and service. 

In high school, Evenor taught himself to cut hair, practicing on other kids at the orphanage. He graduated from our partner’s discipleship program and set off into adulthood. Then he started with TOLI in 2019, chasing his dream of becoming a small business owner.

Today, Evenor runs a busy barbershop in his town. 

He’s married and has a son of his own. 

He gives back to the orphanage where he was raised, cutting kids’ hair there for free. 

And he serves as a volunteer, pouring himself into the church that poured so much into him.

Evenor’s story is clearly a success story. But it’s so much more than that. It’s a story of relationships, redemption, the body of Christ, and ultimately, the Kingdom of God. 

Evenor, with his wife and son.

TOLI exists not only to invest in individuals, but to invest in local ministries that are bringing healing, building leaders, and living out this very good news: that Jesus is who he said he was, that he can be trusted, and that in him is where true ‘success stories’ are made complete.    

For our clients and for our ministry partners, TOLI’s microloan program is just one short chapter in their stories of seeking, finding, and sharing Jesus’ love. 

For TOLI, we’re grateful for how the 2021 chapter of our own story has grown, as we:

> opened a new TOLI branch in Uganda
> added a new site in Egypt 
> expanded our field staff to 29 
> granted over 30% more microloans compared to 2020 
> added a full-time Program Associate to the US office ... and more.

And you can be part of this unfolding story, too. 

If you’re praying about where to direct your year-end giving, please consider TOLI — or perhaps even consider giving directly to one of our trusted ministry partners, which you can learn more about here. Either way, your gift will be an investment that brings purpose and dignity to the lives of men and women like Evenor — and through them, the lasting hope of Christ. 

With gratitude and joy, 

Abigail McConnell
Executive Director

Filled with Thankfulness

Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!


How we are TOLI Thankful

From our US office staff in Colorado Springs, to field staff and volunteers at our partner ministries, to clients in neighborhoods around the world ... the TOLI family is counting its blessings. And top on all of our lists is YOU!
From our family to yours — Happy Thanksgiving!