
Teamwork. TOLI-style.

How TOLI clients are joining forces to kickstart local economies

This year has thrown us all a curveball. But TOLI clients in Nicaragua are rising to the challenge—together

Last month our partners in Puerto Cabezas called a 'family meeting' to rally TOLI clients and brainstorm how to get back to work, even though COVID had crippled the economy in this small coastal town. While their businesses stayed shut, they knew they had to think creatively to get business moving again. But how?



Local TOLI leaders and clients crafted a plan: Form neighborhood-based small groups to work together on simple, short-term microenterprises.

Using seed money from our COVID-19 Relief Fund, each team of 10 plans a four-week business projectInitial profit goes to repaying the seed money and expenses; subsequent profit gets split between group members. 

The first of these 'Entrepreneurship Teams' set up a weekend soup sale in town, using a $150 loan from TOLI for supplies, then selling tickets to ensure a customer base. Early results are promising, proving the concept as well as turning a modest profit. The second sale is scheduled for this weekend. 

But the payoff is so much more than profit. These teams will be a permanent feature of the TOLI program here, providing safe communities of social support, bible study, discipleship, leadership development, and business training long after the group business projects are over. 


Getting people organized and mobilized in this context is a challenge, our social worker Gordon 'Junior' Mitchell tells us. But it's worth it.

"It's actually really tiring," he says, "but it’s a blessing, because ... you’re educating people about business, you’re educating them about leadership, you're teaching them how to be part of a team." 

Six teams are now in development, and business project ideas range from selling fast food to kitchenwares. Each group has a chosen leader, and members divide duties according to their abilities and interests.

At a time when many feel isolated and powerless, we're inspired by how the TOLI family in Nicaragua is joining forces and recognizing the rich assets God has given them: each other. 


"Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master." — MATTHEW 25: 23

The most powerful thing we give away

Giving Bibles, growing hope

"The seed is the word of God." — LUKE 8:11

Faith, a client in Kenya, shows her daughter her new Bible.

Faith, a client in Kenya, shows her daughter her new Bible.

In late 2019, as we began to pray and plan for the coming year, we heard the Lord whispering, "2020 will be a year of spiritual harvest."

We couldn't have fathomed what was ahead: a global pandemic would paralyze the world, shut down every economy we work in, and force us to shift our program dramatically. 

New microloans, trainings, and most TOLI clients' small businesses were suspended. But one thing didn't stop: our mission to reach families with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Suddenly that whisper became a loud command: "Sow the seed of God's Word." 

Turns out God was already out ahead of us. In December, a generous donor approached us wanting to give a special gift — designated for Bibles and spiritual resources. In February, a chance meeting led to a significant donation of print and audio Bibles for TOLI clients in Egypt. And then in March, the coronavirus interrupted our normal programming — but opened doors for deeper client relationships, deliveries of emergency aid, and discussions about where we place our hope in crisis. 

The soil had been turned over, and the seed was ready to be planted. 

So, for the last month, planting is what we've been doing. From Egypt to Ethiopia to Kenya to Nicaragua, the seed of God's Word is being sown as Bibles are put in the hands of TOLI clients:

> Bibles in mother tongues like Arabic, Amharic, Kiswahili, Kikuyu, Meru, and Spanish.
> Solar-powered audio Bibles for those who can't read in Egypt.
> Bibles tucked into emergency food packages.
> Bibles delivered to every kind of client: new believers, house church leaders, heads of multigenerational households, single moms, business owners, farmers.

In all, more than 600 Bibles have been purchased and are being delivered right now — with more funded to provide for all future TOLI clients. Additionally, resources like study Bibles and other teaching tools are now being sourced for our local leaders so they can help disciple clients effectively. That seed, after all, must be watered.

Yes, 2020 isn't the year any of us expected. But TOLI's call remains the same —  to bring dignified, sustainable, Christ-centered transformation to those living in poverty. And there is no better tool for transformation than the transforming power of God's Word. So now we water, watch, pray, and trust God for the fruit of that spiritual harvest.   

"So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." — 1 CORINTHIANS 13: 6

Have you seen this?

The COVID-19 RELIEF FUND continues to provide food, support, and opportunity to TOLI families and communities. Watch this moving video to see the impact of this initiative. Your support is making a profound difference. 


Impact of the COVID-19 Relief Fund

When the Coronavirus pandemic struck, TOLI quickly teamed up with supporters and local ministry partners to provide relief to families hit hard by economic shutdowns. Relief includes emergency food aid; work opportunities and free supplies to communities through our Face Mask Project; perishable inventory replacement; and expanded microloan funding during recovery.

More than $35,000 has been raised to sustain this project. Here’s a glimpse at the impact that this relief — and these partnerships — have had. The work continues.

COVID is changing TOLI. Here's how.


New challenges call for new solutions. 

Everything is different right now. That's true for you, for me, and especially for TOLI clients in poor communities. 

Businesses are closed, sales have dried up, and futures are suddenly unclear. People are worried for their family's health and well-being. Thankfully, TOLI has highly effective local ministry partners who are already on the ground, serving vulnerable families in these difficult times. And together, right now, we're deploying resources in new ways to meet the unique needs of TOLI clients and their communities. Here's how: 

1. We're hiring current TOLI clients to sew FACE MASKS. This week we began hiring existing TOLI clients who are seamstresses to produce fabric face masks, providing them with much-needed income while helping communities stop the spread of coronavirus. Masks will be delivered by our local partners along with important health safety guidance.


Rose in Kenya has already begun sewing face masks to be distributed in TOLI communities. The Face Mask Project is part of TOLI's plan to help keep clients employed through this crisis while doing what we can to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

2. We're providing EMERGENCY RELIEF. We unrestricted a portion of program funds at every site to meet immediate critical needs of clients and their families who are suffering due to this crisis, including:

  • providing direct food support

  • deferment or forgiveness of upcoming loan payments

  • replacement of perishable inventory

  • assistance with medical payments for COVID-related illness

3. We're adapting CLIENT CARE. Our field staffers are checking in more frequently with clients remotely via cell phone. They're giving extra spiritual support, adaptive business coaching, and health safety education.  

4. We're CONNECTING THE TOLI FAMILY... and that includes YOU. Starting with next week's TOLI Tuesday Prayer Gathering, we will be hosting a series of virtual prayer times, info sessions, Q&As, and more. Technology gives us the opportunity to be together, while apart — what a gift!  

And finally, please know we are praying for you and your families, lifting you up to our gracious God, who loves us so much he sent his own son Jesus to die for us, to rescue us from this present darkness — and for life eternal. And that changes everything. 

With gratitude and joy, 

Abigail McConnell
Executive Director


TOLI Social Worker
Lucy Njeri will join us live from KENYA

Tuesday April 14, 12-1pm Live Via Zoom
To join, email Megan Nilsen to receive your Zoom passcode.

Stay tuned to learn how YOU can help stand in the gap for those who need it most right now. Now more than ever, we are so grateful for your partnership.  

Follow us on social media to see how we're serving families and entrepreneurs during this crisis:

What I'm learning about leadership

— From our Executive Director — 

Until a couple of years ago, if you mentioned the topic of Leadership to me, it's likely my eyes would’ve glazed over. Who’s got time for such lofty thoughts while you’re elbow-deep in the real world of packing lunchboxes, finding deals on soccer cleats, and minding everyone’s screen time?

Well, things have changed. I’ve changed. I’ve learned Leadership isn’t so lofty. Leadership is as real as the people you’re standing next to, and as down to earth as the tools in your hands. Leadership is influence, and everyone has influence.

TOLI has taught me much of this. Why does TOLI invest in people who seem to have nothing? Because even if you have ‘nothing’ you still have influence. The words you say, the actions you take, the choices you make, the help you share, all impact the world around you. If you are a person, you have influence. That means no one has ‘nothing.’

So while charities see people to be helped, TOLI sees leaders to be built.

Clients who start a small business with a microloan, take business training, and engage in intentional Christian discipleship through TOLI are influencing their communities in ways that will long outlive our program. They are becoming leaders. And that changes everything. For good.

And it’s my honor to introduce you to three of them. These are three women who've taught me more about leadership than any podcast, book, or conference.


BRENDA was the first TOLI client in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua. Once a struggling single mom, Brenda now runs a thriving small business. At a recent training, Brenda spoke to a room of 40, including TOLI clients, church leaders from around Nicaragua, and an American team from TOLI. “I want to tell everyone: Let’s learn to give back that little part of all that God gives us,” she said. Brenda is a motivator among the TOLI client community as she inspires, challenges, and brings people together. Brenda is a leader.


ANN is a grandmother in rural Kenya, who took a TOLI microloan to build her dairy cow business. A loyal member of a community savings group organized by our partner ministry, Comet House, we’ve seen Ann grasp the power of the TOLI program to transform lives. Because of Ann’s hard work and strategic vision, her daughter is now starting college — something Ann says would never have happened before she entered the program. Ann has paid off her loan, but is not done with TOLI. This month, she was selected to join the local TOLI Committee, where she will help recruit and train new clients and savings groups. Ann is a leader.


SOHER is a mother of two boys living in Garbage Village, a desperately poor area of Cairo, Egypt. Soher took a microloan years ago to buy a machine that recycles plastics and earns her steady income. Soher’s persistence and positivity has inspired many US TOLI Teams that have visited her over the years. And starting this month, she begins working for TOLI as an assistant to our Social Worker in her community, providing spiritual care and counseling of female clients in the area. Soher is a leader.

Brenda, Ann, and Soher are just three, but there are many more leaders being developed right now because of TOLI and our partner ministries. THANK YOU for investing in them by supporting our work. Through them, you are changing more lives than you'll ever know.

With gratitude and joy,


Abigail McConnell
Executive Director

Q&A with a TOLI Traveler

Randy Scott: "TOLI is the 'real deal.'"

Photo Jul 27, 9 59 03 AM copy.jpg

Sheer curiosity inspired Randy Scott to travel to Nicaragua to see TOLI in action last month. Scott, a longtime nonprofit consultant, successful executive, and most recently, a TOLI supporter, was blown away by the simple effectiveness of the TOLI model. “TOLI is the ‘real deal,'" he says. "It works, and lives are being changed. A mere $300 loan can really change lives and people are coming to Christ because of TOLI’s engagement.”

His biggest takeaway from the trip? “There is no single solution to solving world poverty,” he says. “As Jesus said, the poor will always be with us. It is easy to become overwhelmed by world poverty and do nothing. I think I now see that the ultimate solution is bringing the people to a believing faith in Jesus Christ so that they can enjoy spending eternity with Him where there is no pain, hunger, and worry. In the meantime, if each believer can engage with organizations like TOLI that provide the opportunity to build relationships with those in need so that we can then share Jesus with them, we can and will make a difference.”

Inspired? Take the next step.

> Come to our next #TOLITuesday Prayer Gathering on September 10 from 12-1pm at the TOLI office, 5785 N.Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918.

Be like Randy. Travel with us! Check out our trips coming in 2020. 

Help TOLI change lives by giving today. A simple $300 microloan can truly transform a life — and a family — forever.  

And, finally, give us a follow…

Your grocery run could transform lives.

Here’s one simple life hack that's truly life-changing.

We all do it—constantly running to the grocery store to restock the fridge. Buying groceries is unavoidable, but did you know that you could be providing more TOLI microloans around the world while you do it?  

By simply choosing TOLI as your nonprofit of choice at King Soopers or any Kroger brand store, a percentage of what you spend to feed your household will provide for our clients around the world. And it costs you nothing, besides your normal grocery bill! 

FACT: Last month we received $271 through this program, thanks to just FIVEpeople who have started “shopping for TOLI” since May. That's one microloan! Can you imagine how many more loans we can distribute when others get involved? I can’t go grocery shopping anymore without thinking of our friends and clients around the world.

The program is super simple. You’ll need a SooperCard, which you'll connect to TOLI, and after that, all you do is swipe your card at payment and a percentage goes directly to TOLI.


1. Go to
2. Sign into your account or create one. Click Enroll Now.  
3. Click Community Rewards at the bottom of the page. Search for TOLI or Touch of Love International or enter LX852.
4. Click Enroll.

Thanks for 'shopping for TOLI!'

Erin Eilmes
Development Associate

Erin (right) with client Rose (center), who's building a dressmaking business with a $300 TOLI loan.

Erin (right) with client Rose (center), who's building a dressmaking business with a $300 TOLI loan.

"Shopping for TOLI" can help more clients like these:

Amir (above) is an onion and goat farmer; Marian (below) sells shoes. Both built their businesses with the help of $200 TOLI microloans.

Amir (above) is an onion and goat farmer; Marian (below) sells shoes. Both built their businesses with the help of $200 TOLI microloans.


Pray for our Nicaragua team

Team of 7 traveling today until July 31

HAPPENING TODAY: A TOLI Team arrives in Nicaragua to visit our ministry partner, Verbo Ministry, in Puerto Cabezas. The coming week will be full of client visits as well as partnership training with four other churches in the country. Please pray for our team — Heather Briggs, Linda Hood, John Jaeger, Naomi Jaeger, Abigail McConnell, Megan Nilsen, and Randy Scott — as they serve, learn, and worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Nicaragua. The team returns on July 31.


Follow our journey! We'll be posting regularly on Facebook and Instagram from Nicaragua. Make sure you're following us to get the latest updates:


Sign up with your email address to get stories and updates delivered right in your inbox.

Sister power.


Silhan and Shirley are sisters — but they're also business partners. 

In fact, these two are now the backbone of a family business that stretches three generations. Silhan, 22, took a TOLI microloan last year to buy inventory for their small shop in rural Nicaragua. When our team visited earlier this month, it became clear this is a family affair.

Shirley, 23, is Silhan's gregarious partner. Her dad takes turns manning the counter. Her mom makes fresh nacatamales to sell in the shop. And her 105-year-old grandfather welcomes customers from the porch. 

"The purpose of our family is to be united always," Shirley told us. "It is a very unique opportunity for all of us."

GENERATIONS: Above, Shirley sits with her grandfather (center) and her father in front of their family store in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua. Below, Silhan and her son welcome Executive Director, Abigail McConnell, into her shop, built with the help of…

GENERATIONS: Above, Shirley sits with her grandfather (center) and her father in front of their family store in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua. Below, Silhan and her son welcome Executive Director, Abigail McConnell, into her shop, built with the help of a TOLI microloan.

And it was a good reminder that while TOLI microloans are granted to individuals, the whole household is impacted. In the sisters' case, that's 10 people under one roof — all living in the family home attached to the back of the shop.

The average household size for our clients in Nicaragua is 5.6 people (compared with 2.6 in the U.S.). That means that a $300 microloan doesn't just benefit one person but many more, and builds over time. Silhan and Shirley's children and younger siblings will have better nutrition as they grow because of the steadier income. Their parents and grandfather will have better medical care as they age. And Silhan and Shirley will build confidence, experience, and faith, as they make their household even stronger.

And strong households make strong communities. 

"I want to thank God for the opportunity he has given us to start this business," she told us before we said goodbye. "It's an achievement that is difficult but not impossible. Thank you so much for supporting us."

Snapshots from our recent visit

A team of eight traveled this month to visit our partner site in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua. We left inspired, humbled, encouraged, and better able to pray for and serve our local partner ministry, Verbo Church. Ready to travel with us? Check out trip opportunities here.

How you can pray: 

> For Nicaragua: The country has been in turmoil since anti-government rallies erupted last spring. Please pray for reconciliation and peace, and for our clients to be able to overcome the economic challenges that come with this period of instability.
> For physical healing: We visited many clients and their families in Nicaragua this month, and almost everywhere we went we were led to pray for physical healing... for a client's son with cerebral palsy, a client paralyzed after a stray bullet hit his spine, for a client with heart problems. We continue to pray for healing and for improved access to medical care.
> For Verbo Church, our partner ministry in Puerto Cabezas. 
> For our social workers in Egypt, Kenya, and Nicaragua, as they serve, disciple, and encourage our entrepreneurs. You can meet them here.
> Praise God for our growing programs! Many new groups are being trained in Kenya and new sites are being formed in Egypt. 

Ready to take the next step?

> Travel with us. Meet inspiring clients like Silhan and Shirley in person. Details here.
> Become a monthly giver! Start here.
> Discover other ways to get involved here.
> Come 
to our next #TOLITuesday Prayer Gathering: April 9 from 12-1pm (at TOLI, 5785 N.Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918)

New purpose, new leaders, new life

IN PICTURES: Look at what's new around the TOLI family

February was a busy month of new starts for our entrepreneurs and partners. From new clients to new learning opportunities to new savings groups, the TOLI family is on the move: learning, building, and influencing their communities to break the cycle of poverty, for good.  Here's a show-and-tell of just a few:  


NEW PURPOSE: Candida, shown here with her three boys, took a $300 TOLI microloan to start a small pedicure business in Nicaragua. This month she told us she discovered the value of servanthood in her work because "I remember Jesus cleaning the feet of his disciples ... that makes me identify with him. That's tremendous." Candida's humble heart, creativity, and determination has paid off. She is now providing for her family independently and will pay off her loan next month. Way to go Candida!

KCK CEO addressing Muthege Group in Kirubia.JPG

NEW COMMUNITY: If you came to last month's Prayer Gathering you already heard that our program in Kenya is multiplying. Here's a new Savings Group being assembled in the community of Kirubia, one of three new TOLI groups birthed this month. These groups will save together, learn business skills together, and be launchpads for our next round of microloan clients in Kenya. Shown here is Humphrey Kanga, founder and CEO of our partner ministry KCK, addressing the group.


NEW LEADERS: A group of TOLI entrepreneurs in Nicaragua and TOLI Social Workers in Egypt were invited to attend the Global Leadership Summit (GLS) in February — a world-class conference equipping leaders worldwide — hosted by our partner ministries. Kudos to our partners VERBO Ministries in Nicaragua and Heliopolis Evangelical Church in Egypt for investing in these new leaders and believing with us that everyone has influence. 

Get your tickets to Come to the Table

Thursday, May 9 at 6pm at the Pinery, Colorado Springs

If you've ever wanted to share TOLI with a friend, or learn more about our work, this night is for you. You'll witness through the eyes of our clients how TOLI is helping families break the cycle of poverty and experience the love of Christ. It'll be a memorable, inspiring, and fun night. Don't miss it.

CLICK HERE (or on the image above) for details, to buy tickets, or to sponsor a table! Reserve early, seats are limited. 

Our Annual Report is in

Want a quick overview at what God did in and through TOLI in 2018? Check out our Annual Report, find it here, or just click the image. 

Time for you to jump in?

> Come to our next #TOLITuesday Prayer Gathering: March 12 from 12-1pm (at TOLI, 5785 N.Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918)
> Get your tickets: May 9, 2019 for "Come to the Table" at the Pinery
> Become a monthly giver! Start here.
> Discover other ways to get involved here

What our clients want you to know

We love to tell stories about TOLI families. But it's really their own words that matter most.

You already know that TOLI grants microloans so families in poor communities can start their own small businesses. But did you know that our social workers meet with these entrepreneurs at least once a month? That means that throughout the whole term of the loan — 12 to 18 months — clients are listened to, encouraged, coached, supported, trained, and prayed for regularly by our faithful field staff.

The words our clients share with us show the impact of the TOLI program on real lives, on real families, in real time. We thought you'd like to hear from them yourself. 

"I have learnt to never underestimate myself. I am now believing in myself more, and the ability to achieve my dreams. I have been able to provide for my family comfortably." — REGINA, shop owner in Kenya

"I have learnt to never underestimate myself. I am now believing in myself more, and the ability to achieve my dreams. I have been able to provide for my family comfortably." REGINA, shop owner in Kenya

"I have been learning that business can be a great tool for the extension of the Kingdom of God. We are very happy. ... now we can dream more. Dreaming is sweet." — JOHN, goat breeder in India

"I have been learning that business can be a great tool for the extension of the Kingdom of God. We are very happy. ... now we can dream more. Dreaming is sweet." JOHN, goat breeder in India

"I stand by my mother to learn hairdressing from her. I love to work hard and know that I am helping. We work side by side." — MARIA, hairdresser's daughter in Egypt

"I stand by my mother to learn hairdressing from her. I love to work hard and know that I am helping. We work side by side." MARIA, hairdresser's daughter in Egypt

"I am now able to convince my family about having a big vision. My family is very focused nowadays. My thinking has changed, and I am very focused on my good project. I am now able to see far." — NANCY, dairy farmer in Kenya

"I am now able to convince my family about having a big vision. My family is very focused nowadays. My thinking has changed, and I am very focused on my good project. I am now able to see far." NANCY, dairy farmer in Kenya


A delicious way to support TOLI

Acclaimed food truck GOLD STAR PIES and TOLI are partnering up in a sweet fundraising event! 

Come pay whatever you wish for a piece of pie and 100% of the money will fund TOLI microloans to our partners around the world. Our goal for the day is to raise $2,500, enough to fund 10 loans. And we're getting a little competitive too...

YOU COULD WIN A PRIVATE PIE TRUCK PARTY FOR 25... The person who pays the most for a slice of pie during the event wins a private pie truck party for 25 people! There will be swag, coffee, competition, pie, and tons of love. 

Get Pie. Give Hope. // Downtown COS Food Truck event
Sunday Nov. 11, 10-2pm
WHERE: 302 E. Platte Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (corner of Platte and Weber, in front of The Cupcake Girls)

Many thanks to our fabulous sponsor, Gold Star Pies, which serves up award-winning sweet pies all over Colorado Springs and is owned by baker-entrepreneur Heather Briggs. We are honored to partner with you! 

Come meet, greet, and pray with one of our Kenyan partners

We're thrilled to host Humphrey Kanga, founder and director of KCK Ministries in Kenya and a key TOLI program partner. Come meet him and pray with us at the next #TOLITuesday Prayer Gathering. You'll hear from Humphrey, as well as stories and specific prayer requests from our field staff for individual clients and their families. And then together we'll pray for them, by name. Please join us!

#TOLITuesday Prayer Gathering // 2nd Tuesday of each month
Nov. 13, 12pm-1pm
Where: 5785 N. Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

If you have questions, or would prefer to join us by phone to pray, please email Linda Hood, our TOLI Prayer Coordinator. 

Humphrey Kanga (right) with TOLI Founder Emad Yassa (left) and Executive Director Abigail McConnell (center) visiting a client's business in Kenya.

Humphrey Kanga (right) with TOLI Founder Emad Yassa (left) and Executive Director Abigail McConnell (center) visiting a client's business in Kenya.

The ABCs of hope

In the spirit of back-to-school, and because many of you are just getting to know us, here's a handy primer on some TOLI basics. 

A is for ALLEVIATING POVERTY. We work to truly alleviate poverty—for good—in a way that's dignified, lasting, and sustainable. We break the cycle of dependency and hopelessness that traditional charity often enables.
B is for BUSINESS-BASED SOLUTIONS. Rather than giving handouts, we offer a hand up in the form of microloans and small business training, so poor families can start their own income-earning businesses. 
C is for CHRIST-CENTERED TRANSFORMATION. Poverty isn't just about dollars and cents, it's also about hearts and minds. So we work holistically, investing in the God-given creative capacity of every person, while pointing to Jesus Christ as the one true source of abundance and eternal freedom.

Our revolving loan model creates a cycle of hope that's transforming the lives of individuals, families, and whole villages in a sustainable way. Here's how it works:


By the numbers
In 15 different communities in five countries around the world, TOLI is reaching poor families with these ABCs. Right now we have more than 400 clients in our program, with nearly 2000 who've benefitted from a TOLI loan since we began in 2004. The average microloan value is about $250, which clients use to buy the tools or supplies needed to start their business. Our social workers then stay in relationship with the client over the course of the loan offering both business and spiritual support. 

Meet a few of our newest clients! Each recently took a TOLI loan to build a small business or took part in our small business training classes. These classes teach the basics of entrepreneurship, including subjects like building a business plan, marketing, record keeping, budgeting, saving, and more—all from a Biblically-based framework. 

In Nicaragua, Sedy (center) took a loan this month to build her sewing business. Her new business will help her care for her elderly mother (left) and her grandchildren.

In Nicaragua, Sedy (center) took a loan this month to build her sewing business. Her new business will help her care for her elderly mother (left) and her grandchildren.

Mary, in Kenya, has invested in inventory for her small general shop.

Mary, in Kenya, has invested in inventory for her small general shop.

Last weekend, these new clients in India took part in our business training class.

Last weekend, these new clients in India took part in our business training class.


Egypt and Albania: Next week, a team of leaders and volunteers from the US will travel to our sites in Egypt and Albania. Please pray for this team as they go encourage clients and partners in the field— Dick and Mary Frieg, Wendi Lord, Steve and Linda Hood, Abigail McConnell, and Emad Yassa. 

2019 Field Trips: Teams are forming now for 2019! Find out more about joining us on a Vision Trip or Medical Mission Trip in the coming year here:

Come pray with us

Please join us for our monthly Prayer Gathering. We have a beautiful new office space where we gather and we're so excited to share it with you!

With specific and up-to-the-minute prayer requests submitted directly from our field staff, each month we lift up clients, social workers, our ministry partners in different countries, and the entire TOLI family of supporters. It's a powerful time and a great way to support TOLI. Please join us!

#TOLITuesday Prayer Gathering // 2nd Tuesday of each month
 September 11, 12pm-1pm
Where: 5785 N. Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

If you have questions, or would prefer to join us by phone to pray, please email Linda Hood, our TOLI Prayer Coordinator.