The TOLI Kenya program is facilitated by our strategic partner, KCK Ministries, a holistic, Christ-centered ministry in Central Kenya. KCK uses the TOLI program to serve local families by facilitating savings groups, implementing small business education, and granting microloans for small businesses. They currently work in Tharaka-Nithi County in Central Kenya.
With a field staff of 14, reaching into 5 different communities, and serving more than 1,800 clients every month, the Kenya program is rapidly growing, and they share the hope of the Gospel all along the way.
Project Locations:
Key ministry partner:
Watch this video for a glimpse into the program in Kenya.
Population: 47,615,739
Population under age 15: 42%
Religions: Roman Catholic 51.6%, Evangelical 33.9%, other 1.5%, unspecified 12.9%
Unemployment rate: 11%
Literacy rate: male: 81% / female: 75%
People living below poverty line: 36%
Sources: UNICEF; CIA; UNDP; Kenya Economic Update